I just got forwarded this video to my email. It’s of two guys at the Gator Growl Talent night singing a song about Tim Tebow (and some other Gator players). The song is titled “Tim Tebow Take Me Home” and it is set to the tune of John Denver’s “Country Roads.” Check it out, [...]
Archive for the ‘General Tim Tebow’ Category
Tim Tebow Heisman Talk

This week there has been a lot of Heisman talk, but really no clear consensus as to who should win or who should even be invited to New York City for the ceremony. Tim Tebow won the Heisman as a sophomore back in 2007 after an insane statistical season. The Gators weren’t that good, but [...]
Vote O’Brien

Alright guys and girls. It’s time to rally the vote for Tim Tebow. The 2009 O’Brien Quarterback Award fan voting is underway and Tim Tebow is currently tied with Texas quarterback Colt McCoy at 24%. Jake Locker is close behind at 21%.
Tim needs your help. Fans can register online and vote their favorite quarterback. It’s [...]
Tim Tebow’s Comments on Spikes

I was going to let this issue go because it’s being talked about to death. We all know by now that Brand Spikes tried to eye gauge a Georgia player last weekend. It apparently was a dirty game on both sides of the ball, it just so happens that Spikes was caught on film. It’s [...]
Nick Williams Cheap Shots Tim Tebow

Just found a video of the cheap shot UGA’s Nick Williams gave Tim Tebow on Saturday. I know a lot of people are talking about Brandon Spikes eye-gauging a UGA player in the pile, but this video just goes to show the entire game was very physical, tough and dirty on both sides of the [...]
Tim Tebow – Steve Young Comparison

I received an email in the fan inbox from Mike, who makes comparisons of Florida Gator quarterback Tim Tebow and former San Francisco 49er quarterback Steve Young. Mike makes some valid points. I’ll let you read his email, then we can discuss.
I am first an LSU fan, then an SEC fan, so therefore a Tim [...]
Tim Tebow’s Eye Black

By popular request through emails, I’ve decided to create a post here to record all of the different Bible verses Tim Tebow wears on his eye black for the games. I’ve created a link on the sidebar that takes you directly to this post, so following every game just click on that link if you [...]
Tim Tebow Back At Practice

Yesterday afternoon the Gator Nation was buzzing when reports came out that Tim Tebow was back at practice, in full pads. Tim was limited to non-contact (obviously) and did not participate in all the drills.
“Our medical team has advised us that Tim has been cleared to return to practice in a limited and controlled environment,” [...]
Tim Tebow Back in Gainesville

After staying overnight in a Lexington, KY hospital for precautionary reasons, Florida Gator quarterback Tim Tebow was released and is back in Gainesville. We don’t know much more on the status of his injury at this point, but Tim is taking a few visits to Shands and would should know more after that.
Nease Hight [...]
Tim Tebow Concussion

What a game against Kentucky. Gator fans across the world had a brief scare as Tim Tebow was brutally hit by a unblocked Kentucky pass rusher. Tim never saw the guy coming. He was hit hard in the chest and knocked back. On his way down the back of Tebow’s helmet collides with the knee [...]