The Broncos were very successful running the read option with Tim Tebow on Sunday – it’s something he ran in college at UF and seemed very comfortable running as a pro. ”As I’ve said all along, we’re trying to put guys in positions where they can succeed. In his particular case, it’s something he’s more comfortable with, he has a lot of background in it, he’s got a lot of confidence in it,” Broncos coach John Fox said Monday about Tebow. “We’re asking a lot, not just of Tim, but our entire offense, the coaching staff, everybody involved. We’ve kind of grown it as we’ve grown with Tim.”
I applaud the Broncos for tweaking their offense to support Tim’s style of play. With success in the second half of the season, we could see Tebow return to Denver next year as the starting QB. The Broncos clearly are not in the running for Andrew Luck anymore.
Also, here are the highlights from the game in Oakland. Tim made some very nice throws, showing arm strength and accuracy.
Tebow sure did make a few nice throws in this game. But it was the rushing attack combo of he and Mcgahee that destroyed the Raiders. Tim was still missing some throws to fairly wide open receivers too. He improved passing, and that’s what I want to see. Teams are going to focus so hard on stopping the option run attack that receivers are going to be man covered with no help and they are going to get open so the better Tim gets at hitting the open guys, the better the Broncos will be! He has the arm strength to be great, for sure. No idea why that gets questioned. He appears to read defenses pretty well. Better than average for a young QB in his first NFL starts. Notice the lack of interceptions. Carson Palmer made more rookie-like reads leading to interceptions than Tim did. See Cam Newton throwing ints? How about Ponder? Don’t even get me started on Gabbert. Tim honestly looks better in many ways that most rookie QBs (ok so he’s in his second year, that can’t hurt
. He just needs to get comfortable and start hitting the open man when he needs to. Just look at Mike Vick’s early carrer – cannon arm but not accurate – and see how he has improved as a passer over the years.
The NFL disparages the option run game. They call it college ball and say it can’t work. Well it certainly can work, or it would not be used so often at the college level. It is frankly, quite hard to defend. If you sell out to stop both available runners, you leave receivers open. The only reason the NFL has never adopted it, is simply because NFL teams invest a ton of money into their QBs and the idea of the most important, most expensive player on the team getting hit on a regular basis. If Tebow is going to be successful in the NFL running this type of offence, is will be because he is tougher than QBs normally are. If he can take the hits week in and week out and still be productive and not miss games, then he will continue to make waves in the NFL for a long time.
haha!The other QBs benefit from it, why not Tim?!
Liked the clip and shows a lot of positives!! Human is quite correct and Tebow is to be commended for how focused he has remained through all of it!!! Like I stated before numerous times…ACTIONS!!!!
Great clips! Now that Denver is building their offensive style around Tebow, I think the team as a whole will begin to click. As the team buys into it, they’ll get better and better. Not only will the Broncos benefit from long runs from scrimmage, but eventually the short passes will result in long gains. I’m waiting for one of those 5-yard passes that turns into an 80-yard TD. The other QBs benefit from it, why not Tim?
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