Tim Tebow presents at Dove Awards

I just love getting tips from our readers. It’s impossible for me to know everything Tim is up to during the offseason, which often leads us to posting about news after the fact. I really appreciate everyone who helps contribute to this blog.

Yesterday we received a tip from Stacie W. that Tim Tebow is a presenter at that 42nd Annual GMA Dove Awards. The Dove Awards is kind of like the Grammy’s but exclusively for Christian music. Tim presented the Uplift Award. Filming of the event has already concluded and it will air on Easter Sunday at 7:00pm and 9:00pm on GMC (Gospel Music Channel).

Here is a video of Tim presenting. It’s a little rough (could it be Tim actually got nervous haha) so they might edit a little bit of it for production.

We also have a couple of pictures from the event:

Once again, we really appreciate tips from our readers. If you’ve met Tim at an event or know he’ll be part of any public promtions, speaking engagements, etc please contact us and let us know.

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2 Responses to “Tim Tebow presents at Dove Awards”

  1. Jennifer says:

    Gotta love Tebow! Not ashamed to wear his ESPY’s outfit again

  2. ellen says:

    Love it! T. Tebow looks great…thanks for the pics!

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