Everything In Between Update

I’ve been receiving a ton of e-mails asking for information on the DVD release of Tim’s documentary, Everything in Between. So I reached out to Fiction Creative, the company who directed and put together Tebow’s film asking them if they could give me an approximate release date so I could relay that to you.

I pretty much got a standard response telling me to sign up for their newsletter so I would get updates on the release. They also said “The DVD is coming soon with a bunch of new content, special features, deleted scenes and more.”

Coming soon could mean 1 month or 6 months for all I know. My guess is we’re probably looking at a late 2011 release date, maybe something for the Holidays? Tim has a golf tournament coming up and then is launching his book at the end of May – so he has a lot going on. Might be better to spread things out a bit.

Here’s the trailer again for those of you who missed it.

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