What do you do when you don’t have to work and NFL owners have you locked out of the facilities? Take in an Orlando Predators game that’s what! Just kidding.
But seriously, Tim Tebow was at the Predators home opener this weekend for Friends and Family night. He was there to promote the Tim Tebow Foundation and his upcoming book. BHSN’s David Baumann and Bret Munsey called the game live and brought Tim up to the booth for a few questions.
You can watch the halftime interview here. It’s really short though – Tim only gets in like two sentences before they have to cut to break.
On a side note — can you imagine how sick Tim would be if he played arena football during the lockout? I think he would break every rushing/passing record held by a QB in their league’s history.
If you scroll down on the site, you can click on a longer interview about the book, the lockout, etc.