Some Tebow Jockey Videos

A little less than a year ago, Tim Tebow signed an endorsement deal with Jockey. I’ve seen some still ads and billboards around town of Tim promoting the products, but now we’re finally starting to see some video roll out.

Here’s a video called “Timeout With Tim Tebow” where Tim talks about the coolest people he knows and the coolest places he’s been:

In the next video Tim introduces Jockey’s new staycool product line – if it’s cool enough for astronauts, it’s cool enough for him.

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2 Responses to “Some Tebow Jockey Videos”

  1. Vera says:

    That is a cool, cool commercial Tim. I want to run right out and buy some for my husband. Keep up the good work.

  2. RowdyReptile says:

    If it’s cool enough for astronauts and Tim Tebow, it’s cool enough for me. Purchased the t-shirts and sure enough they are very comfortable and help make me feel cool. Go Gators!

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