Brandon Davies of BYU basketball has been the talk of the sports world the past week or so. If you’re not familiar with the story, Davies was kicked off the team for having premarital sex with his girlfriend. This is something against the honor code of BYU – a code Davies was familiar with and [...]
Archive for March, 2011
Tebow Chimes in on Brandon Davies

Tim Tebow Headed to the Desert

Dan Hicken of First Coast News caught up with Tim Tebow yesterday while he was in Jacksonville, Florida for a charity function. Hicken asked Tim about the NFL Lockout (which was given a one day extension, so now they need to come to an agreement by the end of today) and what his offseason plans [...]
Tim Tebow at the Honda Classic

The Honda Classic’s Wednesday Pro-Am, hosted by Kenny G, is held today in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida at the PGA National Resort & Spa’s Champion Course. Tim Tebow is in attendance and playing with golf’s greatest (sorry Tiger) player, Jack Nicklaus. Tim posted the following photo on his Facebook Page earlier this afternoon with the [...]
NFL Lockout Could Happen This Week

Casual Tim Tebow fans who may not follow NFL Football that closely have probably heard about the potential NFL Lockout, but may not full understand what it means – and how it will affect Tim Tebow. The current collective bargaining agreement between the players union and the owners expires on March 3, 2011. Barry Wilner [...]