Through My Eyes by Tim Tebow

Tim Tebow is only 23 years old and halfway through his rookie season as an NFL QB, but he’s already announcing the release of his memoirs, “Through My Eyes.” The book will be published by HarperCollins and is set to come out April 2011. A lot could happen in Tim’s life by April … I hope he leaves a few chapters blank at the end so he can round out the first season of his NFL career.

“I am extremely excited about the opportunity to share my story of faith, family and football,” Tebow said in a release about the book, “and look forward to taking readers inside my life, both on and off the field. As a kid, you always dream of becoming something great. Whether that dream is to become an astronaut, a famous musician, the CEO of a large company, the President, an NFL quarterback or anything else, you will undoubtedly face all kinds of adversity on your journey. This is my story about how I was able to fulfill my dream and I hope it can inspire people of all ages that are aspiring to fulfill their dreams.”

Nathan Whitaker will co-write the book with Tebow. Whitaker worked with former NFL coach Tony Dungy on his three New York Times best-sellers.

This news definitely makes up for the cancellation of Man on a Mission: The Tim Tebow story.

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5 Responses to “Through My Eyes by Tim Tebow”

  1. Brooke says:

    I suspect this book is the reason the earlier unauthorized bio (Man on a Mission) was cancelled. HarperCollins & Zondervan (the publisher of MoaM) both have the same parent company, NewsCorp.

  2. Melissa says:

    I’m soo excited to read this! I never thought I’d be so excited to watch Bronco’s games. Now that documentary needs to come out!!

  3. Mary says:

    I’ve not been a fan of the NFL until Tim Tebow left Florida and joined the Denver Bronco’s. I admire him for a lot of accomplishments, but so much more for his faith and his morals.

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