The Denver Broncos played the Cincinnati Bengals last night in what was Tim Tebow’s first NFL game. The Broncos lost by a final score of 33-24, but as we said before – it doesn’t matter who wins or loses in preseason, all we hope for is no injuries. Tim played OK for a rookie in his first game. He definitely made some mistakes, but he also made some good throws.
Tim took the field at the 4:39 mark of the 3rd quarter. The game was in Cincinnati but you could see quite a few Tebow jerseys in the crowd, but for the most part it was a lot of boo’s. “Yeah, I heard it,” he said, chuckling. “It got me more excited to go out there and play.” Tim is used to hearing a lot of boos from every opposing stadium he’s gone to.
On Tim’s opening drive he made a great 35 yard pass down the sideline to Willis, but the open wide receiver couldn’t pull the ball in. That’s one thing that sucks about playing with the 3rd string – you have a bad offensive line protecting you and receivers who can’t catch / won’t make the team. Speaking of bad offensive line play, with about 3:40 left in the 4th quarter a rusher came unblocked from Tim’s blindside and just clocked him – forcing the ball loose in the process. It was picked up and return for a touchdown. Tim has to be aware of his surroundings, but the running back completely missed his block so the blame is on him.
Tebow scored his first NFL (preseason) touchdown on the last play of the game. It was a scramble from about 7 yards out. He got stuck in the gut as he crossed the goal line but it looked like he wasn’t phased. “I saw an opening, so I went to go get it and thankfully got in there,” Tebow said. This is one of the reasons the Broncos drafted Tim Tebow. Defenses will have to stay honest knowing they have a QB who can run back there.
Here are the Tim Tebow highlights in case you missed it.
How did you think Tim played for his first real game experience? Post a comment and let us know.
tebow is great and orton sucks so does quinn
I agree with what you said in your article. He played OK. Went to the game and there were definately a lot of haters there, but also a lot of Tebow fans. In my opinion he has a long way to go before he is ready to be an every down player. I think if you are a Tebow fan you should be rooting for Kyle Orton, because you don’t want Tebow in there quite yet.
In response to the comment above. I agree, Quinn was terrible. Like my wife said Quinn is like the Bengals cheerleaders, good to look at but worthless. But Orton I thought looked good.
I think he did really well. As you said, he made some mistakes, but also made some really good plays. That entire final drive was spectacular. Plus, did anyone notice that the whole time he was playing, he was doing exactly what critics said he couldn’t – he stayed in the pocket and looked for receivers instead of running at the first sign of trouble. But I do think he needs to get the ball out quicker. I didn’t see that much different from his throwing at Florida. But I think he did great and will get much better. I also expect him to be #2 on the depth chart very soon!
He did good..Orton played ok, but I don’t know what was up with Quninn’s games! Overall good stuff for Timmy’s first time on an NFL field!
Don’t know of too many players in their first time out playing for the NFL that can attain what Tebow accomplished…TOUCHDOWN!!! Yes, I agree that if he would have had the players that Orton had protecting him and etc., he would’ve have been even more phenomenal!!! GREAT JOB TEBOW!! LOOKED EVERY PART OF A REAL NFL PRO QUARTERBACK!! HOPE THE BRONCOS DO A BETTER JOB OF PROTECTING THEIR FUTURE FRANCHISE STAR QUARTERBECK!! ALSO, ORTON PERFORMED WELL; UNFORTUNATELY, BRADY QUINN ERASED THE LEAD THAT WAS HELD FOR MOST OF THE FIRST HALF OF THE GAME!!! CK
I agree with BA that we, Tebow fans, want Orton to do well so that Timmy will not be forced into the starting position too soon. I was very pleased with what I saw and, based on what I saw from Quinn, I think Timmy could be back-up very soon. Good job, Timmy, we are so proud of you!
Congratulations on your first NFL touchdown, Tim! We were sorry that you didn’t have more time to play in the second half but Cincinnati hogged the time. Ha! Ha!
Too bad you were not better protected by the third string players but that will change with time. Keep up the good work and your good attitude. It will pay off. Blessings.
I completely agree w/BA. Tebow did better than many (most?) expected, but he isn’t ready for full-time yet, so GO ORTON!
it’s his first game and he did great!!! mistakes are not only made by rookies, veterans make mistakes too!!! so, even with mistakes, he did great!!! and to think some of his critics said that you can’t put him out there… well, yes, you can put him out there…he did much better compared to the other qb rookies… ( which others predicted that were more pro ready than him) Tim was calm, even when he didn’t have much time left, he didn’t give up!!!that’s the spirit!!!winning spirit!!!
that’s the IT factor that coach Mcdaniels was talking about…
I was at this game and let me tell you – every time I looked I seen Gator/Tebow fans there cheering for Tim. I was amazing to see him get to play his 1st NFL game after supporting him while at Florida. I am proud to call myself a Tim Tebow fan and the haters were in attendance. I actually had 2 guys sitting behind me that said some of the most horrible things about Tim. I just ignored them.
It was AMAZING to see Tim get that rushing touchdown at the end of the game, but he needs to watch doing that a lot. This is the NFL, not the University of Florida.
He’ll jump Quinn before next week. Orton definitely looked solid and will likely have to get injured to relinquish the starting spot. Quinn didn’t look any different than when he was with the Browns. Quinn couldn’t even beat out an inept Derek Anderson for the starting spot last season in Cleveland. It’s only a matter of time that Tebow gets promoted. Quinn signed for 1 year, this is the last year of Orton’s contract with Denver. Tebow is Denver’s future. I’m a Bears fan and have followed Kyle Orton since the Bears drafted him as a rookie. Orton won’t ever be a star in the NFL but he is able to get the job done and win games. I think Tebow can learn a lot by backing up Orton and watching and learning McDaniel’s offense from/through him.
Tebow looked decent for a rookie in his first game, but that was against 3rd and 4th string players. He reverted back to the same throwing motion he had at Florida once that I noticed (though he showed he has more arm strength than critics thought) and his footwork still leaves something to be desired. He also needs to learn to make quicker decisions. That was always one of his weaknesses at UF too, especially last season when he was sacked so many times. If his #1 or #2 receiver isn’t open, he takes off. He needs to learn to read the safeties (in Urban Meyer’s offense, he likely was mainly reading the defensive ends) and use his check downs or throw it into the stands. He isn’t going to last long (physically) if his #1 and #2 receivers aren’t open and he takes off vs 1st team NFL veteran defenses. His future is bright and even Tim knows he still has a lot to work on. He’ll get better with experience.
I saw a headline DEMOTE QUINN,PROMOTE TIM! Follow the instructions to this headline Coach McDaniels! Great job and awesome touchdown Timmy! That bomb Tim threw could’ve been A HUGE PLAY!..Too bad the receiver dropped it!
“That’s one thing that sucks about playing with the 3rd string – you have a bad offensive line protecting you and receivers who can’t catch / won’t make the team. Speaking of bad offensive line play, with about 3:40 left in the 4th quarter a rusher came unblocked from Tim’s blindside and just clocked him – forcing the ball loose in the process.”
Wow, you guys are supposed to be Tim Tebow fans, yet the best you can do is throw his teammates under the bus? Why do I doubt that a good leader like Tebow would appreciate you disrespecting his friends/teammates/coworkers?
Tim keep it up brother…you are the man. Just play. You have been doing this all your life and have been a champion at every level. Just play.
Tim played very well and will get better and better everyday as for how soon will he see a lot of action I think we will see him some on third and 4 at first just to see how defences will play him if he is successful with third and 4 who knows I think we have a very capable quarterback for the moment with orton if he can become the leader that tebow is we will have a hell of a season with a great back up quarterback in tow learning more and more every day preparing him to lead this team in a few years .Tim is a fierce competitor and doesnt want to be second to no one but he is also patient and smart and is watching every move orton makes good or bad so he can learn from it GO BRONCOS GO TIMMY
Kahless on a Kracker, swinney, it’s called “punctuation marks”.
Dormammu Please elaborate on whatever thought it is you are trying to convey
@ swinney – I’m about 99% positive he was politely saying: Jesus Christ swinney! It’s called “punctuation marks”! You know . (period) , (comma) ! (exclamation point) etc. Use them… (ellipses)
My apologies Mr A H and Dormammu , I can only guess what the A stands for; I didnt realize we were being graded on these post, In the future I will try to be more grammer specific so as to apease the trivial masses ; now that we have that cleared up FO
Actually, it’s spelled, “grammar”…