How A Girl in Mississippi Became A Fan Of Tim Tebow

We have another story that a fan submitted and wants to share with your readers. If you’re new to the site, we are asking that fans share their stories about how they became a fan of Tim Tebow. Everyone’s story is different – some were students at UF, some are Bronco fans, some are big fans of his faith. This one is from Abby M. and she tells us how she became a fan of Tim Tebow.

One evening, my dad was watching a Florida football game. I’ve always loved sports so I started watching it. I saw Tim Tebow sporting #15, and was hooked ever since. You see, I was born on March 15, so 15 has ALWAYS been my #. I asked my dad what he knew about Tim, and he said not much. All he knew was that Tim was a faithful servant of the Lord. That meant a great deal to me because I come from a Christian-based home. I don’t really see many famous people taking a stand for Christian beliefs, so that was really special to me.

That day, I found out everything about Tim Tebow I could find. That sighting of #15 was where my obsession started. I have always liked the Gators, but since I live in Mississippi, there wasn’t really an opportunity to go to a game. I still love my MSU dogs, but I’m a Gator girl too! This year I had the opportunity to go to the Allstate Sugar Bowl! That was one of the best experiences of my life! Later on this year, I got tickets to the Senior Bowl and got the opportunity to go to a couple of the practices.

On January 29, 2010, my biggest dream came true. I got to meet Tim Tebow! After the practice Tim came straight up to me and read my shirt that said “Got Tebow?” I then started talking to him and ended up getting a picture with him! Now that he has got drafted, I am a new Broncos fan! GO BRONCOS! Tim is a great guy and a huge inspiration to me!

It’s pretty cool finding out how everyone became a fan of Tim. What if Abby’s dad never had the Florida game on the TV? Would she have never found out about Tim – or would she have been drawn to him at some other time?

Want to share your story? Send it to us on the contact page and we’ll post it for you.

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