Want To Join The Tebow Zone Staff?

Tebow Zone is looking for an additional writer. I posted this several weeks ago – we had a few hits, but nothing materialized. As Tim Tebow now progresses into an NFL career we are looking to ramp up our coverage and need to bring in an additional writer.

Ideally, we want someone who is a Denver Broncos fan that can write about training camp, preseason and regular season game previews/recaps. If you’re interested in contributing you don’t have to be a Broncos fan, but that is just ideally what we had in mind. We’ll likely be looking for 1-3 blog posts per week. We will give you the topics, you just have to do the research and write the material… though from time to time you will be given the freedom to write about anything you want. We want this to be a long term relationship.

Shoot me an email if you want write for Tebow Zone. Include any blogging experience you have, as well as a sample article. You will be compensated for youy posts.

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