Tim Tebow Search Story

I was having some fun on Youtube this morning and thought I would share this really cool video. We all know Tim Tebow is the greatest college football player of all time (arguably) and this quick video from Google shows all the awesome searches people look for when trying to find info on Tim. You may remember when they did a similar ad during the Super Bowl. I created a Youtube Channel for Tebow Zone… not sure if I’ll get around to uploading a lot of videos, but we now have at least one.

Check it out:

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2 Responses to “Tim Tebow Search Story”

  1. Cathy K says:

    Thanks for the updates and here is another regarding autographs as he will be in Orlando July 3rd. This is closer than Jax. and WPB/FT. Lauderdale too. Glad to see he is impressing his team!! He continues to inspire all of us who care about values and hard work in accomplishing goals!! Much prayer and support for one of the best ever Collegiate/Gator’s
    QB plus Bronco’s QB ever!!
    Go TTebow/Broncos/Gators/BroncoGators!!

  2. Cathy K says:

    Update: Tim Tebow will be in Fort Pierce on July 3rd! Just found this out b/c Orlando was a cancellation for some reason. How lucky can you get…this is even better! Definitely going to reserve the date!! The Mayor (whose son just graduated UF in May) apparently is a huge fan of Tebow’s with obvious connections!! Really exciting to get to go to this as I went to the “Pro Day in Gainesville” earlier this year and met Tebow in person!! What an honor and inspiration it is to meet an individual who continues to possess so many, rarely found, outstanding qualities!!!

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