I just found a new interview with Tim Tebow that you probably haven’t seen yet. Local Denver news station FOX31’s Josina Anderson sat down with Broncos rookie QB Tim Tebow. This was filmed at the Panini Rookie Challenge but just went live yesterday. It’s billed as a “one on one” but there is hardly 30 seconds of Tim answering interview questions. Anyway it’s worth checking out… Tim talks about the Rookie Challenge, helping kids and how he uses football to grow in his life. As we get closer to the start of the season I’m sure more and more local stations will ask for interviews with Tim.
Tim Tebow KDVR Interview
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This is a cool interview and a great look inside the Panini Rookie Challenge! Thanks so much for sharing!
Thanks, David.
I just read on ESPN’s web site that Brandstater was cut from the team.
Oh yeah! I heard about him getting cut. I also heard that Coach McDaniels was hinting around that Tim was most likely going to be starting QB in 2011!
McDaniels is starting a Mafia within the Broncos! He’s got his brother Ben coaching QBs. GO TEBOW!
How can you not cheer for Tebow! Nice piece on the rookies.