If there is one team in the NFL that is stir crazy over Tim Tebow the most it is definitely the Jacksonville Jaguars. Tim Tebow is from Jacksonville and played his college ball just 75 miles down the road at the University of Florida. Several months ago there were even rumors that NFL teams were going to purposely not draft Tim Tebow just so the Jaguars could have him. It would help the team sell tickets, merchandise and bring a hometown star to the field.
So why then is a current member of the Jaguars talk crap about Tim Tebow on the team’s message board? Uche Nwaneri is an offensive guard for the Jags. He’s a big mauler and pretty good run blocker. He’s young and has a promising future with the Jags. I was a big fan of Uche… not now I’m not so sure. Here’s what he had to say:
1. He can’t throw, PERIOD.
2. He can’t read any coverage other than probably cover 2 or man.
4. He doesn’t know how to take a snap from center.
5. HE CAN’T THROW, and that’s really something you either have or not.
It’s very rare for NFL Players to write on message boards – they may read them from time to time, but this is only the second time I’ve seen a real Jag post on there. I respect Uche’s right to free speech and to criticize any one he wants. This is still America. I just would have thought Jack Del Rio might have a conversation with his players about publicly criticizing rookies that could potentially be their teammates in two months. Wouldn’t that be awkward if Uche was blocking for Tim Tebow in a season or two?
What’s your take on Uche’s comments about Tim? Let me know.
Uh….wow! Where should I begin?! I mean that is uncalled for that he would even say something like that. No one asked his opinion, and no one cares! Tim Tebow will succeed, and if the Jaguars are going to talk trash about him, I would like to point out who is on a winning team. Uche or Tim? My point exactly.
Butts in seats. Al the rest can be taught or coached to this oustanding young man who can do nothing but good things for the NFL. I am not a Christian (in that sense of the word) but Tim is one of the few Christians who’s gotten through to me in some small way with his tenacity, leadership and off-field activities. Once more – Jax needs tickets sold. Tebow can put butts in seats. If Del Rio doesn’t do it I hope to hell Sparano does. You may have noticed those of us in S Fl haven’t been doing all that great in the QB dept. either.
Abby-you couldn’t have stated that better.
[...] Uche Nwaneri Talks Crap About Tebow | Tim Tebow ZoneUche Nwaneri is an offensive guard for the Jags. He’s a big mauler and pretty good run blocker. He’s young and has a promising future with the Jags. I was a big fan of Uche… not now I’m not so sure. Here’s what he had to say: … Read more [...]
You’re being overly kind in how you edited what Uche said. What he actually posted was much more insulting:
“So im at a bank trying to cash a check, and the bank teller starts up some convo about how Tebow will save the jaguars. And the hole time, when i asked him what does tebow bring to the game that the jaguars dont already have. yes i can understand the intangibles such as leadership etc. but as a football player, what does he bring that will take the jags to the next level??? he couldnt tell me. so let me drop a quick top 5 for all u fans. this is my top 5 things you should know before you assume Tim Tebow will the tebow jesus in teal town.
5. He cant throw. PERIOD.
4. He cant read any coverage other than probably cover 2 or man cov. PERIOD (the only cov. in college lol)
2. He doesnt know how to take a snap from center, nor is he even comfortable enough to.
1. HE CANT THROW. and thats really something you either have or not, never seen a qb who couldnt ever throw, just all of a sudden beable to throw just because hes now in the NFL.
now if u want to say, tebow will save the Jags TICKET sales… sure, he may beable to help them alot, until people realize this aint gator country no more lol. by the way…. GO BUY SEASON TICKETS!!!!!!!!! Ill be Damned if i have to come out for pregame warmups to a COMPLETELY EMPTY STADIUM ANYMORE!!!!!!! ”
There were 2 opinions expressed about Tebow this week that are worth paying attention to & neither of those is Uche’s. Those 2 opinions are Peyton Manning (pro-Tebow) & Joe Theisman (anti-Tebow). And even their opinions won’t effect what the Jags front office decides to do. Uche’s opinion doesn’t matter at all.
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Thanks Caroline. I’m glad you agree!
[...] Uche Nwaneri Talks Crap About Tebow | Tim Tebow ZoneUche Nwaneri is an offensive guard for the Jags. He’s a big mauler and pretty good run blocker. He’s young and has a promising future with the Jags. I was a big fan of Uche… not now I’m not so sure. Here’s what he had to say: … Read more [...]
“Once more – Jax needs tickets sold. Tebow can put butts in seats.”
Buy tickets to see a third string QB sit on the bench?
[...] Uche Nwaneri Talks Crap About Tebow | Tim Tebow ZoneUche Nwaneri Talks Crap About Tebow | Tim Tebow ZoneUche Nwaneri is an offensive guard for the Jags. He’s a big mauler and pretty good run blocker. He’s young and has a promising future with the Jags. I was a big fan of Uche… not now … Read more [...]