Tim Tebow Autograph Signing

Get your jerseys, football and 8x10s ready… Tim Tebow will be making his first and exclusive autograph signing at Palm Beach Autographs in the Avenues Mall in Jacksonville, Florida. Palm Beach Autographs does the official autograph signings for all the Florida Gators – they did Percy Harvin last year, Reggie Nelson, Earl Everett, Brandon Siler, etc in years prior. I went to Percy’s last year, it was a pretty good set up.

The signing will take place on March 6th – I don’t have a time yet, but I think it will be around 2:00 pm. It is not free to get a Tebow autograph. It will cost you $150 for an autographed 8×10 (or you can bring your own gear for him to sign) and $75 for a picture. You must purchase a ticket from Palm Beach Autographs beforehand, you cannot just show up and expect to get an autograph.

Now I know what you’re thinking – $150 for an autograph and $75 for a picture seems outrageous. And it is… for a normal athlete. Reggie Nelson was like $20 and Percy Harvin was $40 I think. Tim Tebow is different though. Instead of keeping all the money himself, he is donating all the proceeds from this even to his Tim Tebow Foundation. Pretty cool, huh?! Now it makes paying the big bucks worth it.

If you plan to go, my suggestion is to get there EARLY. The lines were extremely long for other Gator players, I can’t imagine what it is going to be like for Tim. They’re going to have to bring in a lot of extra security for line enforcement, etc. I’ll update you with more info when I get it.

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7 Responses to “Tim Tebow Autograph Signing”

  1. Brooke says:

    There are also additional charges, depending on what someone’s getting signed & what they want written. And if someone’s getting an autograph, the pic is discounted. The company’s website is down right now, but it’s here:

    There was also a discussion about it at Dan Shanoff’s site, incl a response to our complaints by PB Autographs:

  2. abby m. says:


  3. Christy says:

    If you live closer to West Palm, he will be doing a signing there on March 27th.

  4. [...] record, Im reserving judgement until a solid source other than a radio show makes this claim. Tim Tebow Autograph Signing | Tim Tebow Zone They were wrong, it is $75, not $65 for the picture, lol. Make it $235! Now the sidebar is he is [...]

  5. thalia says:

    omgi went 2 tht & it was so worth da money!!! i had 2 wait in line 4 5 hrs but it was sooooooooo worth it!!!

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