The Tim Tebow Rule

A recent report from the Palm Beach Post described how the NCAA Rules Committee is proposing a ban on wearing special messages on a player’s eye black – the rule could be known as the Tim Tebow Rule. During his final season, Tim Tebow wore a new Bible verse under his eyes for every game. It became very popular… in fact, I created a special page here on Tebow Zone just for fans to keep track of what verse he wore on what day: Tim Tebow’s Eye Black.

The eye black generated a lot of buzz, some 92 million people Googled “John 3:16″ after Tim wore it during the 2009 BCS Championship Game. The messages were highly effective, but if the new rule passes players will not be allowed to wear them. The report goes into how Urban Meyer had to be an “eye black cop” at times…always policing what his players were writing to make sure there was nothing bad and damaging to the University’s image.

The rule was proposed on Thursday and if passed will become official for the 2010 season. I think that it will pass – there is just too much extra stuff going on and the whole monitoring thing to deal with. They will probably require all players on a team to wear the same eye black. The NFL already enforces this rule, so Tim Tebow will have to abide by it once he signs on with a team.

The Tim Tebow Eye Black was fun – but it looks like those days are over.

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8 Responses to “The Tim Tebow Rule”

  1. Brooke says:

    I liked seeing what verse Tim decided to wear each week. It showed what he was thinking of before the game & sometimes the verses he chose were eerily prescient for what happened during the game (esp Kentucky & SECCG). I hope Tim continues doing a weekly verse via his Facebook page.

  2. Jess says:

    Timmy has a facebook?…that rule will stink! :(

  3. Brooke says:

    Tim definitely has a Facebook page for his foundation, but he might also have a personal FB page. There are a lot of people who have set up FB pages claiming to be Tim & one of them could be him. If Tim doesn’t have a personal FB page already, he could get one & post his verse-of-the-game on there. Or post it via a Twitter account.

  4. Michael says:

    Jess are u blonde?! Of course Tim has a freaking facebook! Sorry I would’ve said something else, but I had to keep it G-rated…O yeah…Brooke what’s your number?

  5. [...] regarding the ad bought by Focus On The Family which featured All-American quarterback and former Heisman Trophy winner Tim Tebow (Tim Tebow Zone) and his mom, Pam. Several hysterical cries from the pro-abortion left echoed to CBS that the ad [...]

  6. Jess says:

    Well he might want to keep out of all that mess!

  7. Michael says:

    I believe that you should be able to put freakin words on your eye paint if you freakin want to.

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