Tim Tebow Ispires Children Too

Today’s piece of fan mail comes from a second grader! Isn’t it amazing how Tim Tebow can inspire people of all ages?

Dear Tim Tebow:

I am your number one fan. My name is Riley W. I’m in the second grade.I like the Gators because I like their mascot and if they were NFL they would make it to the Superbowl.

I have a Gator shirt, Gator socks and Gator covers (my covers are warm).

I am a straight A student like you. I am in Cub Scouts and I have to do a thing called the Pine Wood Derby. That’s when you have to make a car and race it. I made a Florida Gator car and a Gator boat on wheels. On my car I have number 15 (your number).

Your biggest fan ever,
Riley W.

P.S. I love the Gators. My Dad does too.

If you’d like to share a story of have a piece of fan mail posted on Tebow Zone, please contact us.

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2 Responses to “Tim Tebow Ispires Children Too”

  1. Mrs.LinzyTebow says:

    awwwwwwwwww thats adorable!!!! hehe :) good choice Riley!

  2. Caroline says:

    Yeah this is great!!! I want Tim Tebow bed sheets!! Haha:)) He is such a good person for kids to look up to unlike some other athletes or other people in general. I love him!!!

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