Tebow Hanging With the Governor

Tim Tebow, Ryan Stamper and Coach Urban Meyer joined Florida Governor Charlie Crist at the Mansion for breakfast Thursday morning. What an honor it must have been for Governor Crist to meet Tim Tebow. Ooppps.. or should it be an honor for Tim to meet Governor Crist? :-)

“Great quarterback, great young man, great gator, great American, and he is spiritual like I’ve never seen,” said Crist.

They also talked about the importance of team work and service both on and off the field. Crist even declared Thursday as “University of Florida Day.”

“I think it’s our responsibility — as leaders, as role models — for all of us who are standing up here, with what god has given us the platform here, has given all of us here, to take that, turn around and to impact people and that’s why you do what you do, is to change, is to change people for the better,” said Tim Tebow.

“We get caught up in what we’re doing, what’s our next step, what’s our next platform, what’s our next goal, what’s our dream, instead of who can we change, who can we help, who can we improve, and I think if you keep that mind set, you’re goals, they’re gonna be reached, you’re going to succeed.”

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One Response to “Tebow Hanging With the Governor”

  1. Caroline says:

    Wow this is so cool:))) and I totally agree that is was more of an honor for the governor to meet Tim than it was for Tim to meet the governor!!! Haha!!! Tim’s words are always so powerful and inspiring!!! It makes me just want to be a better person by reading what he said!! I love him!!!and speaking of Tim…I am super excited to say I got his high school football # as my volleyball jersey #(number 5). I feel so tough and empowered when I wear it:)

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