Tim Tebow Wood Statue

What will Tim Tebow fans think of next? A chainsaw artist is Gainesville carved a 7 and 1/2 foot tall statue of Tim Tebow from a tree. Complete with a Superman cape and the Bible verse John 3:16 written on his face, Knowles said it took him five days to carve the sculpture with a chainsaw and paint the tribute to the Gator legend.

“I feel like I know him,” he said. “I’ve been staring at him for so long.”

Knowles said he doesn’t do many sculptures of specific people.

“When I first found out that I was going to be carving this tree, I drew up a lighthouse and seagulls, things that would go really well with the restaurant,” he said. “But Chris wanted Tim Tebow.”

Chris Fragale, Ballyhoo Grill’s owner, said he picked Tebow mainly for the children who eat at his restaurant.

“I couldn’t think of a better role model for the kids,” Fragale said. “Tim Tebow is a part of Gator Nation for life.”

This is a great publicity move by Ballyhoo’s. I’m sure a ton of people in Gainesville are going to go eat there just so they can get a glimpse of Tim Treebow.

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4 Responses to “Tim Tebow Wood Statue”

  1. Caroline says:

    O my goodness!!!! This is sooooo cool!!! But I think that the guy should have painted tim with the all white uniform since he put the bible verse from the national championship on his eye blacks…so he should have given him the same uniform that he wore….but other than that it’s freakin’ amazing!!!! Haha…tim TREEbow….that’s hilarious

  2. Pam says:

    That is so cool , although John 3:16 is not the correct verse TT wears.

  3. [...] Tim Tebow Wood Statue Tim Tebow Zone Posted by root 4 days ago (http://www.tebowzone.com) Feb 2 2009 a chainsaw artist is gainesville carved a 7 and 1 2 foot tall statue of tim tebow from a tree rss entries middot rss comment tell a friend about this site powered by wordpress part of the gator envy family Discuss  |  Bury |  News | Tim Tebow Wood Statue Tim Tebow Zone [...]

  4. alicia says:

    That so cool, kids of all ages will love it. I know I do.

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