Tim Tebow and Phil 4:13

As you watch Tim Tebow during Gator games, you’ve probably seen his eye black is not the same eye black that other players wear. Inscribed on Tim’s eye black are Phil (under his right eye) and 4:13 (under his left eye).

Phillippians 4:13 is a piece of scripture from the Bible. It has several translations, some of which include:

I can do all things through him who strengthens me.

I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.

I can do all these things in him who strengtheneth me.

But you can see what it pretty much means. It’s a perfectsaying for a football player with faith.

What’s your take on Tim Tebow wearing this during the games. I imagine it doesn’t bother most people, but some may see it as a way he’s differing himself from the team.

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71 Responses to “Tim Tebow and Phil 4:13”

  1. [...] Read the original: Tim Tebow and Phil 4:13 [...]

  2. Sarah says:

    I love the fact that Tebow isn’t ashamed to hide his faith, I think this is just another way he can show he loves GOD and that he believes that everything he does, on the field as well as off is through GOD. I applaud him. I don’t think he is trying to be different, he is just being himself!

  3. Vincent Gagliano says:

    Then how come when Manny Ramirez does the same thing, people think it’s bad?

  4. Megan says:

    I think it is a great quote and is perfectly fine to wear!

  5. August says:

    I think its wonderful to see a player whos humbled himself, instead of letting his ego get the best of him.
    I dont believe he seperatates himself from the team in his social life, any seperation is only representing good.

  6. Anonymous says:

    See, this is a perfect example of why I am a “Tebow fan.” -Because he IS different! :)

    The Bible verse is an awesome reminder to him that everything he does should be for GOD because GOD is the one empowering him with his ability. It is only right that Tim Tebow give GOD the glory, and I am so thankful he is!

    I appreciate his boldness – that is what separates him from the rest of the team – and that is good!!! :)

  7. Joe says:

    Go, therefore, and do
    That which is within you to do;
    Take no heed of gestures
    Which would beckon you aside;
    Ask of no man
    Permission to perform.

    “The Magic Story”
    Frederick Van Rensselaer Day

    Go Timmy T. Keep it real brother!

  8. kelly says:

    I’M glad he writes Phil 4;13,on his black marks during games.shows how much he loves Jesus Christ and shows how great of a man Timmy really is,his faith is his number 1 priority! shows he’s different from all the rest of the guys! goo Timmy,GO GATORS! xoxo. :) God bless.

  9. Jessica says:

    I think its great Tim has the boldness to wear his convictions on his face! He’s not asking anyone else to do it or making a big deal out of it. So even non-believers should not be offended. It would be one thing if he was asking the whole team to do the same, but he’s not. So those that are offended are looking for something to be offended by–and they will find something everytime!

  10. Tesha says:

    I love that he is so strong in his faith. He is definitely someone I would want as a role model for my kids!

  11. eth says:

    football and your stupid god do not go together

  12. pey says:

    Go Tim…Go Phil 4:13!!!

  13. Jack says:

    I accepted the holy spirit… then rejected it….
    then accepted it again. Then was sort of wishy washy…. then felt hungry so got a hot dog. Then accepted it. Then dropped a deuce. Jesus is Lord- there were babywipes! I heard a rumor jesus hates bald pussy, but i don’t know… i’m an optimist. Messin’ with the messiah should be Jack Links’ next beef jerky marketing campaign…

  14. mike says:

    Jessica pretty much got it right. Tebow is showing what he believes, and isn’t asking other players to do the same. Where I find a problem is when people say things like “He’s so religious, he deserves these good things that happen.” Well, plenty of religious people are bad people and plenty of non-religious people are good people. Faith is personal and know one else can judge if you really have it or not.

    Tebow is neither good nor bad because of a few letters and numbers on his face, or because he tells us he has faith. He is good or bad based on the actions he takes.

    That said, I’d be interested to see if ESPN would do a bio of a Heisman caliber player that focused so much on a different faith that maybe isn’t as accepted. What if next years Heisman winner is really devoted to Islam or Wicca? What if the player was passionate about atheism or snake handling?

  15. Bob Dickinson says:

    I must have missed the part of Phil 4-13 which states “Through Christ I will exact revenge on those who hurt me” “Through Christ in the last moments of my opponents defeat I will exalt the masses to humilate and degrade them”

    What a phony. Anyone can write some letters under their eyes in an effort to bring attention to themselves. I don’t dislike Tebow or the gators, I just dislike hypocricy

  16. gatorboy says:

    tebow is the man… love the fact that he wears this because it represents him perfectly. more athletes should strive to be like tebow becuase he is a class act and treats people with respect.

    GO GATORS!! Phil 4:13 and GOD BLESS

  17. Eddie says:

    Believe it or not, I created a line of products after reading this blog. I’d love to know what you all think…


  18. Lisa (gatorgal) says:

    Bob, who are you to take a bible verse and make it sound like it is something written from the devil. That alone is sac-religous. then you insinuate Teebow is a hypocrite…. ? I wish you’d back this up.
    gatorboy, I’m with you, Buddy!!! and you eth… don’t deserve a response

  19. Davy Flowers says:

    First of all I don’t follow sports the way I use to, but I do pull for the Bulldogs, so Gators are not number one on my list. I would like to say that if all athletes would give God the credit for there skills as does Tim Tebow, maybe sports would be more enjoyable to watch, when they are all playing for God and not to see who can impress everyone and make the most money (idle worship).

  20. Jamie says:

    Awesome Tim! Way to stand up for your faith when everyone is watching.

    I love it! It’s the best way to let others know that FOOTBALL is not the number one thing on your mind! Christ is!

  21. Agnostic says:

    So, Jamie,

    Why is it so important to “let others know”?

    I follow the Buddha and the Gnostics. I dont try to force it on you or anyone else. You shant see me with eyeblack, t-shirts, or bumper stickers proclaiming, “I KNOW the way”. Id appreciate the same from our jocks.

  22. steph says:

    First of all to Davy Flowers, too bad your so-called GOD didn’t give you the brains to use grammar correctly(for there skills), you used the wrong word, it’s their not there.

    Second, I believe Tebow is doing nothing wrong by showing his faith. He is not imposing it on anyone by wearing the marks, and personally, as an agnostic, I am not at all offended.

    And just to put a thought out that I have always wondered…Why do some people always confess their love for jesus christ without mentioning GOD? Shouldn’t they be confessing their love for GOD, afterall he is the one that supposedly created jesus.

  23. Ken says:

    Duh, “Jesus”, is capitalized, so get off the grammar thing, and He is God, in the flesh. (I and my Father are one: John 10:30).
    Christians love Jesus, and that automatically acknowledges God. It’s the whole point. Yea, we were put on this earth to aimlessly meander with no purpose but self gratification and having fun. NOT! God has a purpose for everyone the short time we are in this world. Whether you chose to live, “of this world”, for no reason or to serve the greatest love is your choice. It’s called free will. We are all going to live for eternity, where you spending yours?
    This young man has a purpose driven life, he’s being used in a phenomenal way by God, and Tim knows it. He gives Jesus, (God), all the credit and the secular side just doesn’t get it. Go Gators!!

  24. steph says:

    I purposefully didn’t capitalize jesus because although I do believe he existed, I do not believe him to be the Messiah.

    Second, how can anyone believe that GOD put us on this earth to serve a purpose of some sort. How is GOD even in alive or among us. I am not trying to discredit any religion, I just wonder how something is created out of nothing. People say GOD created humans, plants, animals, etc. Well how was GOD created? Give me a viable answer to that, and maybe then I will believe in something.

  25. Jerry Martinez-NJ says:

    GOD BLESS!! It’s nice to see a athlete express his faith. We need people like Tim to be a role model to our youth. Look at some of these athletes who are getting in trouble with the law, maybe if their focus where on their faith thing may be different.

  26. reality man says:


  27. Religious Rob says:

    Tim Tebow has a very large erection. He also has premarital sex with his girlfriend (I know this for a fact).

  28. Religious Rob says:

    Tim Tebow has a very large erection. He also has premarital sex with his girlfriend (I know this for a fact). They also commit sodomy.

  29. Holy Hank says:

    Well as immature as that last comment was, Tim Tebow really does sodomize his girlfriend. Unfortunately, all the celebrity and attention is slowly but surely causing him to lose his faith in his personal life.

  30. Faithful Fran says:

    Umm, Ive seen tim tebow’s, you know, and its actually quite small. He is a bit of a hipocrite in his personal life, believe me, I would know.

  31. G8tor Girl says:

    I think what Tebow does is great. I don’t believe for one minute that just because of “hear say” that Tebow is having sex and if he was it’s not any of our business to broadcast it. What he does is between him and God. If you are a true gator fan it shouldn’t bother you what he does in his private life all that matters is how he leads our team to victory on the field. I don’t feel that he is singling himself out by wearing Phil 4:13 on his blacks. It just shows you that he has faith in God and that everything is does on the field is through God who strentghs him. Leave the guy alone….you’re just jealous that you can’t be like him and bask in the glory. Thank God for Tim Tebow!!!!

  32. bob says:

    to think wierdos come out to make this positive effort negative (erection and bringing in his girlfriend).
    What a wonderful young man…have you heard him talk?
    Always positive, giving credit to others and doing missionary work almost every year. It says in the bible if you proclaim God and get Shit for it, you’re doing what you’re supposed to be doing!! Go TT, 2nd Heisman and what a role model!! Way to utilize thar platform!!

  33. joe m. says:

    Just let Tebow wear his eye black. Does it do any harm?

    I believe that God has more important things to do than care about football games, cf. coach Dungy after Super Bowl win.

  34. dave says:

    How would christians feel if he were a muslim, or a pagan, or even better, an atheist, and had advertising written on his face? What if the words said: “There is no god”?

  35. Scott says:

    I think Tebow can wear whatever he wants but I don’t think God approves when he taunts the other team. Poor sportsmanship and definitely poor religion.

  36. ap says:


    What came first, the chicken or the egg?

    God was not created. God is the creator. God just is.


    “Christians” would be in an outrage. Quotes are use for those who have faith but do not honor their faith. True faithful Christ followers would pray for him.

  37. B-Rob says:

    Alright, A lot of good points have been made. However this is not a forum to argue over whether God is real or not or what the Christian faith would appreciate it or any of those thing. The simple question is, how do you feel about Tim Tebow wearing Phil 4:13 on his eye black?

    Simply put, I have the utmost respect for Tim Tebow. So many people ask God for help when they need it but renounce his existence when questioned by friends or others because it’s “not cool” to worship god.

    Tim Tebow has the power and strength to stand up for what he believes in. I have personally met Tim Tebow on several occasions and as probably the only person who can make that claim, he is the same person 1 on 1 with a friend as he is in interviews and on TV. He follows his faith and lives his life in the service of god. He is an inspiration to the world to stand up for what you believe in and he has my respect.

    He is also a awesome fucking football player too and hopefully will wrap another Championship ring around his finger. He deserves it.

  38. Rich says:

    To Jack from Nov. 2nd…..

    Romans 14:11. It will happen – you decide when. Now you have the choice, later you won’t

    and John 14:6…you can be flippant and carefree for a time, but time is limited.

    As far as Tebow, i think it’s great that He uses his platform for a higher purpose. Thanks to our rights, there also nothing wrong with this in any way. People use world stages for things like saving trees, preventing so-called “global warming” and many other futile (in the big picture) causes. Tim uses his platform for an eternal cause. He’s got his priorities right. Keep it up Tim! Our reward is in Heaven…and Phil. 4:13 is indeed the truth…much like Psalms 55:22.

  39. Dirty O' says:

    By being so ‘open’ & public in propagating his faith & beliefs, he’s inevitably setting himself up for a fall. Why put a bulls-eye on your chest? Society thrives for those in the lime-light to fail & falter.

    Whereas I recognize that he’s a great collegiate athlete & an active/selfless missionary, I’d have even more respect & admiration for him if he was more nonchalant & private about his personal beliefs & practicing his faith… kinda/sorta like the ol’ adage: speak softly, but carry a big-stick. . .

  40. Rhemus says:

    Tebow is a trendwhore. Stuff written under his eyes, bracelets…when will it end?

    Then we see pictures of him and women in bikinis? Arms around them?

    Doesn’t the Bible say something about that Tim?

    For you next game, go with: “Prov. 7:10″

  41. Tebow15 says:

    I live by that quote on a daily basis. Tim tebow is SUCH a HUGE rolemodel to me and no matter how much trash my hero he will still be the best. Go gators

  42. Theresa Margorie says:

    you’re all a bunch of freaks…

  43. Gary says:


    My son just graduated from Jr. High here in San Antonio Texas – his favorite bible verse – Phillippians 4:13 – Thank you for being an amazing role model – and – GOOO Gators!

  44. ggfairfax says:

    What’s the big deal if tebow has sex? Christians have sex…..how do you think they procreate? What’s the big deal!

  45. Quintin says:

    Good example for young kids. Keep it up continue living your life thru God’s word.

  46. mabafo says:

    I think its great that he believes that God gives him power to defeat his foes. Screw all the other followers of Christ he meets on the field because INRI is on Tebow’s side. If you don’t believe it just look at the characters under his eyes, they are the proof. Tebow is the choosen one.

  47. Rich says:

    Dave, to answer your question, Christians would be disturbed by such a comment, but no more disturbed than they are by having a president that opposes God (or thinks he is God). The bigger question is how many fumbles that player would have for wearing such a stupid remark on their face.

  48. Jim Bob says:

    I personally don’t like the Gators, or Tim Tebow, but that being said, I admire him. More than I have any athlete in a long time. I also think that his counterpart in Oklahoma is a class act, but I don’t know about his sex life, nor do I want to, and I know he publicly expresses his faith as well. It is good to see successful athletes give God the Glory. Hurray for Tebow..dang I almost sound like a fan. Ugh.

  49. Jim Bob says:

    WTF Dave. Are you some kind of weirdo. I mean there is no reason to slander a religion. For one that is offensive. I can do all things through God who strengthens me is a positive religious statement. Chill with the ignorant slippery slope questions. Next you will be asking “What if he wrote, ” My Girl is a explicative deleted.” It is just not appropriate. Some people are always the Devil’s advocate, pardon the pun.

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