I just read a cool article from the LA Times about who Tim Tebow might vote for in the 2008 Heisman race. Tim won’t vote for himself, so the writer thinks that he’ll be casting a vote for Texas QB Colt McCoy.
“He’s playing extremely well and doing a great job leading his team and handles it with a lot of class, too,” Tebow said.
The article also goes on to quote Tim as saying: “I think he’s done a great job just handling everything… I was very proud because I think he represents college football really well and handled his faith extremely well, too. He is never ashamed of that, which I respect as well, so I think he is doing a great job with everything that he is going through.”
At this point, I think Colt McCoy is the clear Heisman front runner. I know Tebow said last year he wanted to get Percy Harvin a Heisman, but I’m not sure he’s playing well enough right now to warrant consideration over some of these top QBs.
Tim Tebow is probably the best QB in college football hands down! If I were an NFL scout I’d be chomping at the bit to get this guy to enter the draft early. The kid has an amazing arm and seems to make good decisions. As long as he continues to be a great kid off the football field as well as on, you could build a franchise around this kid.