So EA’s NCAA Football 2009 came out a couple of weeks ago. In real life, current college player’s aren’t permitted to grace the cover of video games. That’s why you always see a player from the previous year on the cover (in 2009′s case… it’s Matt Ryan).
However, some people on the internet have created a way for fans to build custom video game covers. I was looking around the net for some of the game information and came across a Tim Tebow custom cover. I didn’t make this, but it sure is awesome. Even has Timmy holding his hands in prayer.
Check it out.
thats so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Cuteness is a state of mind. My brain is unable to process the custom cover as “cute”
In fact, the image appears to be a replica of Danny Wuerffel clasping his hands in prayer, which was a famous UF photo a decade ago.
I will say, though, I perceive just a tad bit of aesthetic appeal.