Tim Tebow Signing Autographs

I was in Gainesville yesterday for the afternoon Gator Football practice. I didn’t stay but for 5-10 minutes of the actual practice, but I hung around the stadium waiting for the players to walk over to the practice field. Of course my mission was the find Tim Tebow.

It’s pretty easy to spot Tebow, not because he’s a big guy and only one of three players wearing a red jersey, but because of the mob that follows him everywhere. I’m talking kids, moms, autograph hounds and regular fans. At first sight, a bystander might think of Tim Tebow as a rude person. That’s because when he walks to practice, he doesn’t take a second to stop. Most players will stop and talk with all the fans or take pictures. Timmy just keeps on going.

He does this because if he stops he’ll get swarmed with fans. Getting his autograph isn’t that hard as long as you can get close enough. He’ll sign autographs the entire way from the stadium to the practice fields. But don’t expect him to stop to take a picture with you. Luckily, I was able to snap this shot as he walked by.

tim tebow practice

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7 Responses to “Tim Tebow Signing Autographs”

  1. Mrs.LinzyTebow says:

    Timmy is so not rude, hes just not really allowed 2 sign them but hes super nice! and hes hott! oh and also i cant wait 2 see him on the 30th! go him! i love you Timmy!

  2. Kaitley ur biggest fan says:

    Tim Tebows awesome no matter what u say and being rude is one of the last thing u would accuse him of

  3. Cathleen- The Future Mrs. Tim Tebow says:

    Tim Tebow isn’t rude. He’s not allowed to sign for anyone 14 or older because they just go and sell it on eBay and stuff.

  4. Rob S. says:

    Looks like Mr. Tebow better get used to the attention!

  5. Jessica says:

    Learn how to read. Author said that he seems rude *at first sight,* but then goes on to tell why he *isn’t*

  6. Nancy says:

    Looks like you’ll be able to get Tim Tebow’s autograph in PERSON at his first public signing in Jacksonville on March 6th, and in Palm Beach Gardens on March 27th. Well worth the price of a ticket!! Check out palmbeachautographs.com – very cool

  7. Jessica says:

    I Went To One Spring Practice Last Year, Just To Get A Glimps Of Tebow And The Team, And When Me And My Dad Were Waiting for practice Infront Of the O’Connel Center, I Looked Over And Coming From The North Side Of The Football Stadium Here Came Tim, Running Of Course Trying No To Be Spotted. But, I Couldnt Help But To Run Up And Say Hi, I Even Asked Him To Sign My Jersey, But When More People Started To Come Over, He Told Me He Would After Practice..So I waited and Waiting All Practice, and Then he Ran To The Back Feild And Kept Throwing The Ball, And I Kept Waiting and Waiting..But Then All Of A Sudden, He Got in A Truck and Left. That was super Disapointing. But I Understand He Doesnt Want To Be Mobbed, But Everyone was Already Gone But Me, Waiting.. Thast Wasnt Really Cool Of Him To Say He Would Do Something He Knewe He Couldnt.
    But Dont Get Me Wrong, I Freakin Love Tim ♥! But Just Thought I Share My Thoughts On What Happened. GO GATORS.!!

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