Today is Tim Tebow‘s 21st birthday!
Turning 21 is a major milestone in someone’s life. People say you’re an adult at 18, but if you’re in college you certainly don’t feel like one. You feel like an official adult at 21. I’m not sure what Timmy will do tonight for his birthday. He’s not the drink 20 beers till you pass out type of guy. I’m sure he’ll spend it with some friends and family just having a ton of fun.
Tebow has accomplished a lot in his 21 years. A national championship, Heisman trophy, and a dozen other awards. But it’s not just the football awards that make us proud. It’s his charity and missionary work. Tim is a great guy and always looking out for other people.
If you have any birthday wishes for Tim, please drop a comment on this post. Otherwise, Happy Birthday Tim! Here’s your cake.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY! YOUR THE BEST!!!! oh btw i sent you a card!
HAPPY 21ST BIRTHDAY TIM!!!!!! good luck this year!!
Happy Birthday Tim. May God watch over you this year and keep you safe. I hope your 21st is all you wanted and more. Go Gators!
Great job Tim. It’s so nice to have a positive role model. Keep the Faith bro. You inspire us all.
A lil late….. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TIM.MANY MORE TO COME.. A lil past for ya. If your not a GATOR,your GATOR BAIT!
Happy belated B-day TIM!!!!!I`m sorry it`s late but on the 14th i wore my Tim tebow jersey! Ya`ll are goin 2 have a great season!!!!!
I Love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ur biggest fan,
omg!!!! tebow ur my husband and i love you and miss you
no one else is your wife exsept me i love you sosososososososososososo much my birthday is august 26
your the best husband i could ever ask for
ily sosososososo much im really your wife or fiance nobody else
i love you sososososossoososososososososooooooo much
Happy Birthday!!!! And GOOOOO GATORS!!!!