We recently received another piece of fan mail, this time from a girl named Anne. This Tim Tebow fan comes to us from Georgia. I wonder what it’s like being a Gator fan in enemy territory. So here’s her message to Timmy, short and sweet
Hi, my name is Anne and I’m a HUGE fan of the Florida Gators!! You are my favorite football player!! I admire you so much because you are a nice Christian who’s not ashamed of it!!
I was overjoyed when you won the Heisman, you deserve it!! I hope one day to meet you, but I’ll see you August 30th for the season opener against Hawaii!! Good Luck on the 2008 season and.. GO GATORS!!!
Remember, if you’re a big fan of Tim Tebow and want to share your fan mail or maybe you have a message to/about Tim that you want everyone to read, please contact us and we’ll gladly post it. During the summer months we’re especially looking for Tebow sightings and fan letters.
Hi,My Name is Jacey and I’m your number one fan.I’m 8 years old. I want to let you know you are awesome.I went to the swamp last year with my dad.He hopes to take me to many more games.Also,I hope to meet you at Fan Day this year.Keep up the good work:)
It fills my heart with joy that a christian young man is in the spotlight. I am so tired of hearing all those with attitudes that they are so deserving and we should be glad that they are here.
If you never played another day of football I would feel the same way. As a father I am so happy that you don’t just call yourself a christian but you live it. Are you perfect,,,heavens no. But you are real.
Always remember it is Yahweh that has given you not only this ability but the stage to tell others about the great and mighty God we serve.
You are to many what Danny W. was to you. So keep humble and your focus on God.
I have been a Gator fan ever since I found out there was a school in Gainsville.
Go Gators
tebow needs to step up and run his team like a Quarter back is supposed to.but we cant blame it all on him if his recivers dont catch the ball where definatly going to loose this game