Win Tim Tebow Gear

Our friends over at Gator Envy have a contest and are offering Gator Fans an opportunity to win $20 worth of free Gator Merchandise from Football Fanatics. This is the perfect chance for you to get that Tim Tebow t-shirt you’ve always wanted!

To participate in the contest, you will need to be a member at Gator Envy (registration is free and open to anyone). After you become a member, all you need to do is post on the message board 10 times and you’ll be entered for a chance to win! You have 1 month to post 10 times, but honestly, you could complete it in under 10 minutes if you wanted.

If you’re getting bored over the summer because Tebow news is slow… you should head on over to Gator Envy and join the contest. Who knows, you may meet some new Gator friends while there.

For complete contest details click here.

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