Over 2,000 people (probably half the population of Bradford County) packed the Bradford County High School football stadium to listen in on a speech by our favorite Florida Gator, Tim Tebow. The event was a youth rally organized by First Baptist Church of Starke student pastor and family friend Joe Fennell.
Tim Tebow asked audience members “what are you doing with your dash?” A dash is supposed to represent the small line on your tombstone between your birth-date and death-date. So far, Tim Tebow has done quite a bit with his dash. A Heisman Trophy, National Championship, community service, missionary work, etc. The goal of the speech was to get kids amped about doing something important and meaningful with their lives. “That dash,” Tebow said, “represents everything I did with my life.”
This is just an example of what Tim Tebow is doing to help the community. He’s not just a football player. He is invited to dozens of churches for speeches every month. He can’t accept them all, but does the best he can. While other players are out partying and getting into trouble, Timmy remains a model citizen. This is just one of the many reason why we all love Tim Tebow.
Two words: we know.
And I’m wondering what would happen to the program if the law troubles (not that it ever would happen…seriously!) that affected other players would get on Tebow.
He isn’t perfect. None of us are. But he’s doing the best darn good job he can.
omgosh i was there and that was awesome