Contact Form

I would like to apologize to those of you trying to contact us for the past 3 weeks or so. I have been unaware that the contact us page on Tebow Zone has not been successfully sending emails. Our email inbox was full and unable to accept new contacts.

It has now been fixed and we are able to accept new mail. If you have any questions or comments please resend them and I promise we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.


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4 Responses to “Contact Form”

  1. Kim Sobota says:

    Is there any place to purchase an autographed picture of Tim Tebow? It’s my son’s 13th birthday on Monday and he’s a big fan of Tims.

  2. Kim Sobota says:

    Is there any place to purchase an autographed picture of Tim Tebow? It’s my son’s 13th birthday on Monday and he’s a big fan of Tims.

  3. Mimi says:

    Im sure im girl # 1 million to ask this but who knows what might happen :-)

    Can I have a date with Mr. Tebow when hes less busy?

    there I got that off my chest! lol

  4. Margie Negri says:

    Just wanted to aska question…My husband and I are #l fans of Tim Tebow and have watched him since 2007 at Florida…we are from Texas and plan a trip to Denver,CO in Aug…We are just trying to find a schedule for Tim might be, if he isn’t at practice…we will be in Denver Aug l4-22…and know there is a perseason game there on 21 Dec,,,but will Tim be appearing on a smaller scale ANYWHERE else during this time where we might could see him and get an asutograph? We are seniors…….67 and 65,,,but love this Florida Gator turned Bronco..thanks, Margie

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