Tim’s Biggest Fan

We received an email from a loyal reader here claiming to be Tim Tebow’s biggest fan. She comments on almost every post made here, so if you’re a reader too then you know who I’m talking about. She wanted me to post a message to Tim, so here it is. This email message was not altered in any way…it’s been posted exactly how I received it.

My name is Linzy and I have to be the biggest fan of Timmy ever, because he is my idol..we have all of the same morals..except instead of football for him…its him and the Gators! My room is covered with Timmy and the Gators (actually 90 pictures of Timmy) I’m sooooooo in love with him and I think hes the most amazing man that ever walked this planet! Everytime im not feeling the greatest such as in grades or school or family, I pray to Timmy and God and he gives me the guidance that Timmy would say to me (i think) All of my friends kinda get mad at me because i talk about Timmy ALL da time..he’s all I think about during the day..and on my planner..there is 54 picutures of Tim…everybody tries to steal it to draw over it..which I personally think is very mean! If Timmy ever reads this..I LOVE YOU SOOOOOOO MUCH!!!! and good luck next year..I’ll c you at the Hawaii game on August 30th!!!!

If you have a message for Tim or need to reach us, please use the contact page.

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18 Responses to “Tim’s Biggest Fan”

  1. Vincent Gagliano says:

    There’s always a crack. Nobody’s ever perfect. There’s the makings of a Hollywood tragedy.

  2. Linzy [the FIRST, REAL, and ONLY] Mrs. Tebow!!!!!! says:


  3. Jordan AKA Mrs. Tebow (loves Timmy more then Linzy!) says:

    Pshh… Tim’s biggest fan!?!?! Yeah, right. Well whatever, I have a feeling Tim would like me better anyways. =D Linzy, I can picture what will happen when you officially meet Timmy… One word…SECURITY! lol! Or… you’ll be totally speechless and faint. Sorry, but you seem like the kind of crazy,obsessed fan who would do that. I try not to get too obsessed so that when I meet Timmy he’ll feel comfortable around me and he won’t think of me as just another crazy, wierd, obsessed fan(like Linzy).

  4. Jordan AKA Mrs. Tebow (loves Timmy more then Linzy!) says:

    Oh! Linzy, your right about one thing… Timmy is definatly the the most amazing man that has ever walked the planet. Love ya Timmy!

  5. Jordan AKA Mrs. Tebow (loves Timmy more then Linzy!) says:

    Oh, make that the 2nd most amazing man… Jesus Christ is the 1st.

  6. Vincent Gagliano says:

    Nah, LeBron and Kobe are way more amazing.

  7. Butch says:

    Chase Daniel…sorry, he’s just that good

  8. Jordan AKA Mrs. Tebow (loves Timmy more then Linzy!) says:

    Chase Daniel!?!?! HA! You’ve GOT to be kidding me. If he’s sooo good then why didn’t he win any awards his whole college career?? And you never really heard much about him until his junior year when he was nominated for the Heisman. Sure, his team became the best in Mizzou history, but that wasn’t just because of Chase. His stats aren’t that impressive either. According to ESPN, he averages two touchdowns per game when Tebow averages four and his passer rating 147.88 when Tim’s is 172.47. Tim is a much better player statisically than Chase. Chase is just an average guy. There is nothing that really stands out about him. He has a dry personality and you never hear about him doing things for the community. Tim’s has a great personality and tries to do as much for the community he possibly can. People refer to him a “god-like” and “unhuman” because of the amazing things he does.


    ummm excuse miss wanna be, but u seem 2 b equally obsessed wit him lyk me! u seem 2 me lyk a (bad b word)!!!!!!!! and i wouldve faint, ill treat him lyk a normal person! and i love Jesus more than any1 cause he gave eternal life in heaven. I LOVE U TIMMY MORE THAN ANY1 (esp jordan)

  10. Vincent Gagliano says:

    Guess what? Celebrities like Tim shy away from obsessed fans!

    According to unconfirmed sources, Tebow is reportedly enlarging his ego so that some of his fanbase will shy away from his perceived selfishness. He’s also hiring some black-belt karate masters as bodyguards to ward away autograph-seekers.

    Last but not least, he’ll become much more boring to please the NFL.

  11. Jordan AKA Mrs. Tebow (loves Timmy just as much as Linzy!) says:

    Linzy- Sorry if I’ve been acting like a conceited jerk lately. I’ve been on a competetive streak ever since the whole Tebow’s biggest fan thing(plus I’m totally stressed out over FCAT) and I’ve forgotten my manners. It was nothing personal. I want you to know that I am completely different in person and I don’t usually act this way. Can we just put this all behind us and go back protecting Tebow from all the jealous haters that comment here? (VINCENT AND BUTCH!!!) This is the first time I’ve met someone who’s as big a Tebow fan as I am and I would much rather have us get along.

  12. Jordan AKA Mrs. Tebow (loves Timmy just as much as Linzy!) says:

    Vincent- Tim Tebow will never be boring and I highly doubt he would “enlarge his ego”. He’s too nice fo that. Plus, if he doesnt want to sign autographs all he has to do is say no.

  13. Linzy [the FIRST, REAL, and ONLY] Mrs. Tebow!!!!!! WHO LOVES AND ADORES TIMMY says:

    Ok im sorry 2 but we both love Timmy alot, so lets try and be friends and protect our Timmy!! Glad we worked it out!!! LOVE YOU TIMMY!!!!!!!

  14. Butch says:

    yea i dont think youre getting the point slick. tebow averages what he averages because of his receiving corps not because of any unique qb skill. Chase’s offense averages 30 pts a game, and he was 4th in the country in yardage per game with 310. he accounts for over 90% of the yds gained in his offense without superior athletes (minus maclin). Moreover, Tebow is the product of a hyped uber christian overtly white upper middle class jacksonville family that’s notorious for its contributions to the community, timmy just happens to be in good company. beyond that, your lil “lack of awards” argument is so fucking useless. guess who won a bowl game (hint: not #15). Moreover, guess how many heisman winners actually either 1. win a bowl game or 2. are worth anything in the league …thats right not many (point in case troy smith).

    You florida kids are all the same. It was only a handful of years ago when you all on Chris Leaks nuts as the next big thing in college football (good call). This guy is an alright SYSTEM QB, Chase made it to a heisman finalist by having a great arm and average targets…tebow won it by being a fullback with great weapons and a coach thats inhuman (ridiculously intelligent). Moreover, you will hear a lot from me after his games this upcoming year…we’ll find out how good tebow really is

  15. Vince says:

    Yo, Butch, you like St. Louis or Kansas City for pros?

    A Chief Tebow’s not, outside of UF.

  16. Ray says:

    Is this website a joke or some kind of parody?

  17. Ray says:

    What was Tebow’s passer rating when UGA spanked that ass?

  18. Butch says:

    KC MO. Chiefs all day, and youre right, Tebow would not be a Chief at any position because the front office realizes that drafting is a gamble especially on QB’s with as much wear and tear as Tebow.

    Moreover Tebow’s passer rating that game was actually pretty high (160 something) which was higher than the LSU game, and he didnt throw an INT, but the system buckled at that point. their underneath routes just werent working, tebow needed to get the ball deep and couldnt do that, he needed to run and couldnt do that (and it wasnt just b/c he was hurt).

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