Updated Tim Tebow Bio

I have updated the Tim Tebow Bio page to include more information from the 2007, including the Heisman Trophy and recent bowl game loss. The college career section has also been divided up to show you 2006, 2007, and 2008 in separate sections. Be sure to check it out.

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One Response to “Updated Tim Tebow Bio”

  1. tigah fan says:

    Can you get off the T-bag wagon?
    As a Tiger fan (that’s the 2007 BCS champs) I sincerely hope he stays @ Fla for 2 more years.
    You will not win another BCS championsip with him & Urban @ the helm unless that retard whiney coach of yours wakes up and realizes that you cannot win with one person responsible for ~ 60 – 70 % of your offense.
    Looking forward to Gaionsville 2008.

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