Tim Tebow #1 2009 NFL Prospect

College Football News ranked Gator QB Tim Tebow as their #1 NFL prospect for the 2009 draft. Here’s an excerpt of what they had to say:

1. Tim Tebow, QB Florida (Jr.)
Think Alex Smith with talent. Tebow seems like the type who’ll want to stay for all four years, but 2009 projects to be among the worst quarterback drafts in a long, long time making the bulldozing lefty a hot prospect. He has the size, the passing accuracy, the mobility, and the makeup to become a franchise-shaper.

Being the #1 prospect is quite an honor for Timmy. However, he has come out and said several times that he would love to be a Gator for 4 years… meaning he won’t enter the NFL Draft until 2010.

No one knows for sure what Tebow will do after his junior season. A lot of it will come down to how well he performs. He’ll also be listening for advice from his family and coaching staff. Tebow is a very smart person and will make the right move. It wouldn’t at all surprise me if he was able to graduate somehow in 2009, thus accomplishing both his goals.

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20 Responses to “Tim Tebow #1 2009 NFL Prospect”

  1. [...] Tebow Fan wrote an interesting post today on Tim Tebow #1 2009 NFL ProspectHere’s a quick excerptCollege Football News ranked Gator QB Tim Tebow as their #1 NFL prospect for the 2009 draft. Here’s an excerpt of what they had to say:. 1. Tim Tebow, QB Florida (Jr.) Think Alex Smith with talent. Tebow seems like the type who’ll want … [...]

  2. [...] Here’s another interesting post I read today by Tebow Fan [...]

  3. [...] Tebow Fan wrote a fantastic post today on “Tim Tebow #1 2009 NFL Prospect”Here’s ONLY a quick extractCollege Football News ranked Gator QB Tim Tebow as their #1 NFL prospect for the 2009 draft. Here’s an excerpt of what they had to say:. 1. Tim Tebow, QB Florida (Jr.) Think Alex Smith with talent. Tebow seems like the type who’ll want … [...]

  4. Vincent Gagliano says:

    Here’s what we do know:

    1. Tim has admitted that academics take a higher priority than football. I see him picking the college degree over going pro a year early (If both goals collide.)

    2. If Tebow were to leave a year early, his junior season will be most important to draft scouts; it is the most recent indication of how he has matured over his football career. If he does badly, he would be well served staying one more year to raise his stock.

    3. Tebow’s running in and of itself isn’t bad, but if he continues his stiff-arm style, he may very well play pro football as a tight end, especially on a team with a stable quarterback. Under a scout’s logic, Tebow can take his act to blocking a defender without providing a quarterback controversy, killing two birds with one stone.

    4. If Tebow does play quarterback at the next level, he’ll have to alter his style somewhat. Defenses in the NFL are bigger, faster, and hit harder than in college, even the SEC.

    5. Tebow’s emotional behavior in pep talks and after games may put him in conflict with coaches on several teams, including the Patriots (“shut up and do your job”), Giants (Tom Coughlin is a notorious taskmaster), and Bill Parcells-led Dolphins. On the flip side, he’d be a great addition for the Cowboys.

  5. Justin says:

    I think tim tebow should enter the draft this year because i think he would be a good fit in kansas city if kansas city gets a QB they will be in good shape

  6. Andrew C. says:

    As a UF student I would be crushed if Tim left after this year, however I think it might be a good move for him, he’s a great guy and I know he would do great things with an NFL salary. I bet when we crush bama and he has his own SEC title this choice will become much easier for him. GO GATORS! Oh and Tebow should be the new 2-bits, oh yeah you know that’d be awesome

  7. Perry says:

    i am a UF fan, and tim is a great college qb. If he goes pro after this year no doubt he will proably end up being a late first round, early second round pick. The team that he gets drafted to is going to move him around he will not play qb at a pro level. He is a shoot gum qb and not a pro 5 step drop qb. and with his size and how he runs he will either play full back or tight end. If he plays qb it will be a shocker to me and many others, how ever i want him and harvin to stay one more year, would be a great 2009-2010 team and i will put my money on them to win the nc if they stay healthy. COME BACK TIM

  8. Brian says:

    Hahahah Tebow as a #1 draft pick…maybe the CFL!

    Scouts Inc. and Kiper Jr. have both essentially said Tebow is going to be a bad pro QB, and there isn’t a team that would take him in the first round.

  9. joe in flagstaff says:

    Tim Tebow is a great college quarterback… and I have watched many at Florida. If I could offer him any advice it would be to stay another year to learn more football, he should do so under the condition that he will play a style more suitable for the pro’s.

    For him to be serious about going pro even as a backup quarterback, his arm will have to become more powerful and accurate, he will have to work on his awareness in the pocket, and he will have to depend more on his instincts.

    He deserves his chance either way and I may actually turn on an NFL game again. Him staying a year in a more conservative scheme and still being successful may help his chances, but it is hard to believe after watching his film that people underestimate his growth potential.

    This guy is awful hungry.

  10. luke D says:

    he’s going to the new york jets and will be good

  11. Tebow is a bitch says:

    i fucking hate tebow he is garbage hes such a scrub and “true football players” [not fullbacks playing quarterback] know that he will not pan out

  12. Darren M says:

    Sounds like somebody is mad that Florida won tonite….

  13. Mel Kiper Sr. says:

    Deja Vu…Tommy Frazier, Charlie Ward, Vince Young, Eric Crouch…does this EVER work?? People forget that Mike Vick was the FASTEST player on the Falcons (4.2) and had a laser arm, so hes a 1nce in a lifetime exception, and even he wasnt THAT great. I look at Tebow and say to myself, “what an awesome person and athlete, and great leader…maybe top 10 college fb player ever”…but then I think..”golly that the worst gotdam qb ive ever seen” LOL

  14. yeahyourgay says:

    i seem to remember a quarterback a LONG time ago who was in the same boat as Tim Tebow. He was a power quarterback who was almost an exact mold of Tebow. Everyone said…what an amazing college player..but he’ll never make it in the NFL. You know who i’m talking about? Steve Young. Yeah, he didn’t do good in the NFL at all.

  15. Bigj says:

    Tebow will get thrashed in the NFL. When he thinks he will run up the middle like he does in college he will get his head taken off. He is not that good of a QB. He just has good players around him. He will end up like every Florida QB and be a bust. Remember how GREAT Danny Wuerffel was.LOL

  16. Jacob P says:

    Tim Tebow will not succeed in the NFL if he doesn’t improve his game. Heisman Trophy and “Mythical” National Championship means nothing in predicting NFL success. He isn’t even been scouted by the NFL scouts. As for the draft.

    Tebow has all the intangibles to succeed, like leadership and work ethics, but he has almost none of the physical attributes. Let me explain. Several things that make a good quarterback prospects:
    1) ARM ACCURACY: Tim Tebow is not accurate at all. He doesn’t have the ability to put the ball in tight space. And when is on the move he can barely throw. His accuracy is also very inconsistent. He constantly overthrow or underthrow balls to wide open receivers. He is lucky to have great and fast receivers who constantly bail him out.
    2) ARM STRENGTH: He’s no Chad Pennington, but he doesn’t have the arm strength required to make most of the NFL throws. He also has serious problenm with the deep balls. The worst part of this are his mechanics and release point.
    3) SPEED: he doesn’t have a quick release. He simply doesn’t have the ability to get ride of the ball quick when under pressure. He hold on to the football to long .
    4) ON-FILED INTELLIGENCE: this involved a quarterback’s ability to read defense, blitz, and make instant adjustment. In my opinion that’s one of his weakest point. He constantly struggles with that. He can’t read defense. Once you take away his first read h either make a poor throw or run.
    5) POCKET PRESENCE: this is important in the NFL, a quarterback has to be able to stand his ground in the face of pressure and be able to make good throw. When pressure, Tim Tebow has to much tendency to take off and run.
    6) IMPROVISATION:certain quarterbacks like big Ben, Romy, McNabb, can improvise on the run and out of the pocket. They can make read and find open receivers while running. Tebow is not this kind of quarterbacks.
    He isn’t really a great runner either. He’s not Vick, Vince Young or even Terrelle Pryor. Tebow mostly run and use his physical strength to run down tacklers. Good luck with that in the NFL.
    Does all this says that he’ll be a bust. Well, not necessarily, he has great intangibles. Believe me, that counts more than anything. If he’s drafted in a team like Seahawks or Eagles, sit for 2 or 3 years and learn the NFL way and how to be a good quarterback under two of the best in the business, then I can be great.

  17. Sean says:

    I hope Tebow goes to the panthers, they’ll need to draft a QB next year. Go gators!

  18. Lorena says:

    Tim Tebow is a beast!
    He should have a chance into the NFL.
    any team would be grateful to have Tebow on their team..

  19. Johnny says:

    tebow is a great person on and off the field , just like they said tonight after the sugar bowl tebow is the all time best quater back in college history . I do think he would do really well in the nfl , and i think any team would love to have him as a teamate but yes its totally diff in the nfl and honestly i think he would be a better TE than a QB . But im with ya tebow either way !!



  20. zlewis says:

    i think that he will be 2nd or 3rd round draft pick for a fullback he doesn’t like to stay in the pocket so i don’t think he will go pro in the QB position

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