Tim Tebow Myspace Layouts

The folks over at Pimp Myspace have given us permission to offer their new Tim Tebow Myspace Layouts to all the Tebow fans here at Tebow Zone. They’re pretty cool, and probably layouts you’ve never seen before. Below is an example of one of the layouts you can find. They all have Tebow pictures in them with orange, blue and black backgrounds. The perfect Myspace layout for any Tebow or Gator fan.

If you’re on Myspace, be sure to tell all your friends where to get the newest Tebow layouts. I’m sure they’ll be adding a lot more once the new football season begins.

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2 Responses to “Tim Tebow Myspace Layouts”

  1. [...] Original post by Tebow Fan [...]

  2. [...] Tebow Fan wrote an interesting post today on Tim Tebow Myspace LayoutsHere’s a quick excerptThe folks over at Pimp Myspace have given us permission to offer their new Tim Tebow Myspace Layouts to all the Tebow fans here at Tebow Zone. They’re pretty cool, and probably layouts you’ve never seen before. … [...]

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