Tebow Breaks Hand in Win Over FSU

I watched the entire FSU game, and never even realized he got hurt until yesterday. During the game (I haven’t found out exactly at what point yet), Tebow broke his non-throwing hand and will be forced to wear a cast on it for several weeks. Early reports indiciate Tebow should be fine for the Gators bowl game on New Year’s Day.

The Gators rocked their biggest rival 45-12 in a game where FSU never had a chance. Tebow was 19 of 28 for 262 yards and 3 passing touchdowns. He also rushed the ball 13 times for 89 yards and two touchdowns.

Tebow has now officially accounted for 51 touchdowns this season. “My goodness, that’s a lot of touchdowns,” coach Urban Meyer said Saturday. “Good for him. You want to see a bad quarterback, put a bunch of bad players around him and you officially have yourself a bad quarterback, including Tim Tebow. … We don’t have bad people around him.”

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3 Responses to “Tebow Breaks Hand in Win Over FSU”

  1. Timmy for He15man says:

    as if there aren’t enough reasons for Tim to win the he15man, this guy goes out an finishes almost an entire half of the fsu game with a broken hand.. I didn’t hear about this today when a friend mentioned he heard something about it. I checked online and sure enough, tebow scored 2 more touchdowns after breaking his hand. if he doesn’t win the he15man I don’t know what i’ll do. this guy has worked too hard to fall short of receiving this honor.

  2. linda says:

    when actly did he broke it did fsu have anything to do with it… they threatened to hurt him.

  3. Tebow Fan says:

    I doubt it was an intentional hit by FSU to break his hand. He probably just fell on it wrong.

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