Tim Tebow Zone » autograph signing http://www.tebowzone.com Tim Tebow Denver Broncos - Tim Tebow Fans Tue, 22 Nov 2011 14:00:29 +0000 en hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.2.1 Tim Tebow Ft. Pierce Autograph Signing Recap http://www.tebowzone.com/2010/07/tim-tebow-ft-pierce-autograph-signing-recap/ http://www.tebowzone.com/2010/07/tim-tebow-ft-pierce-autograph-signing-recap/#comments Tue, 06 Jul 2010 10:06:01 +0000 David http://www.tebowzone.com/?p=860 We mentioned that on July 3 Tim Tebow would be in Ft. Pierce at an autograph signing. Well, Tebow Insider Terry P. was kind enough to send us photos from the event. All the net proceeds (money Tim Tebow would have made) from the event went directly to benefit his charity. In one of the pictures you can see a $5,000 check being cut out to the the Van Durer Foundation. In another picture you can also see Tim Tebow getting what looks like a key to the city. Pretty cool!

Tim Tebow key to the city

Tim Tebow autographed Broncos helmet

Tim Tebow loves Tropical Smoothie

Tim Tebow Ft. Pierce autograph signing

Tim Tebow Foundation

Tim Tebow

Tim Tebow autograph signing

http://www.tebowzone.com/2010/07/tim-tebow-ft-pierce-autograph-signing-recap/feed/ 5
A Proposal and A Happy Birthday http://www.tebowzone.com/2010/03/a-proposal-and-a-happy-birthday/ http://www.tebowzone.com/2010/03/a-proposal-and-a-happy-birthday/#comments Mon, 29 Mar 2010 10:33:35 +0000 David http://www.tebowzone.com/?p=696 I’ve got a couple of videos I want to share with you today. Not much news happened over the weekend as far as football is concerned. Tim Tebow is continuing to practice and work on his game while getting ready for private workouts with a select number of NFL teams. As he hits those workouts we’ll be sure to share the results with you. For now, let’s take a look at some videos.

The first video was shot at a Tim Tebow Autograph Signing over the weekend at The Gardens in West Palm Beach. Tim is in on the secret that one of his biggest fans is about to propose to his girlfriend right there in front of hundreds of fans.

What are your thoughts on this video? Would you propose (or say yes to a proposal) in this same situation?

The next video looks like it might have been shot behind the scenes at the same autograph signing. It’s a shot of Tim wishing someone’s mom a happy birthday.

http://www.tebowzone.com/2010/03/a-proposal-and-a-happy-birthday/feed/ 3