Tim Tebow Zone » Tebow Press http://www.tebowzone.com Tim Tebow, Florida Gator Football Wed, 30 Sep 2009 11:27:27 +0000 http://wordpress.org/?v=2.8.1 en hourly 1 Tim Tebow Named to the 2009 Good Works Team http://www.tebowzone.com/2009/09/tim-tebow-named-to-the-2009-good-works-team/ http://www.tebowzone.com/2009/09/tim-tebow-named-to-the-2009-good-works-team/#comments Thu, 24 Sep 2009 10:55:10 +0000 Tebow Fan http://www.tebowzone.com/?p=364 Allstate and the AFCA announced the 2009 Good Works Team two days ago. The Good Works Team is now in its 18th season and is awarded to the top “dedicated and hard-working student-athletes for their off-the-field achievements and selfless contributions to their communities.” That pretty much defines Florida Gator quarterback Tim Tebow right there. He spends nearly every free minute he has trying to better the community around him and communities oceans away.

22 players from across the country are named to the team, 11 players from Division I-A and 11 players from Division I-AA. Tim was the only quarterback selected to the DI-A team and the only player from the University of Florida.

Since 1992, the Southeastern Conference leads all conferences with 52 selections to the Good Works Teams. Just one more way the SEC dominates all conferences. Past winners include Peyton and Eli Manning, former University of Georgia lineman Matt Stinchcomb and former Tulane University running back Mewelde Moore. The voting panel is made of up past winners and prominent college football personalities.

Congratulations Tim Tebow!

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Two Huge Tebow Fans: Tebone Me http://www.tebowzone.com/2009/09/two-huge-tebow-fans/ http://www.tebowzone.com/2009/09/two-huge-tebow-fans/#comments Wed, 23 Sep 2009 00:05:13 +0000 Tebow Fan http://www.tebowzone.com/?p=362 Time to show the lighter side of Tebow Zone. Today on CNNSI’s Hot Clicks, there was a photo submitted of a young lady who happens to be a big-time Tim Tebow fan. Not sure if she’s a student or what (by the pic it looks like she is on the alumni side). Anyway, it’s quite apparent that this girl has some very large, fake breasts which are sure to attract thousands of eyes at a football game. Wearing a very tight shirt showing her fandome for Tim Tebow isn’t uncommon at UF. However, on the front of her shirt it says “Tebone Me” and on the back it says “Just Not In The End Zone”. It may be a tad tasteless, but it’s pretty damn funny. I’m sure the older fans sitting behind her just loved it.

tebone me

So what do you think of her shirt? I’m sure it’s custom made. Would you wear one? Would you let your wife/girlfriend wear one?

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“Tim Tebow’s a Hero” Song http://www.tebowzone.com/2009/09/tim-tebows-a-hero-song/ http://www.tebowzone.com/2009/09/tim-tebows-a-hero-song/#comments Wed, 16 Sep 2009 12:01:13 +0000 Tebow Fan http://www.tebowzone.com/?p=354 Tim Tebow is probably the most sung about college athlete in history. I imagine there probably close to 10 songs/music videos created just to celebrate the glory of his Tebowness. The latest one I’ve come across is from ESPN SportsNation. It’s titled “Tim Tebow’s a Hero” and you can watch it right here on TebowZone.com

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Tebow on the Cover of ESPN The Magazine http://www.tebowzone.com/2009/09/tebow-on-the-cover-of-espn-the-magazine/ http://www.tebowzone.com/2009/09/tebow-on-the-cover-of-espn-the-magazine/#comments Tue, 15 Sep 2009 22:43:11 +0000 Tebow Fan http://www.tebowzone.com/?p=352 Florida Gator quarterback Tim Tebow is on the cover of ESPN The Magazine. This is the perfect time to release an issue featuring Tim. The Gators are getting ready to host the Tennessee Vols on Saturday. The entire nation is talking about this game. Remember a few months ago when Lane Kiffin and several Vol players were taking cracks at Urban Meyer and the Gators? Well, it’s time for redemption brought to you by the arm of Tim Tebow.

I’ll get into a full game preview as we get closer to Saturday, but for now here’s the Tebow magazine cover:

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And Then There Were Two http://www.tebowzone.com/2009/09/and-then-there-were-two/ http://www.tebowzone.com/2009/09/and-then-there-were-two/#comments Thu, 10 Sep 2009 00:25:44 +0000 Tebow Fan http://www.tebowzone.com/2009/09/and-then-there-were-two/ 2008 Heisman Trophy winner Sam Bradford went down on Saturday with a shoulder injury. Bradford’s injury will sideline him for 2-4 weeks, probably dealing the Sooners another loss or two. This all but takes BRadford out of the 2009 Heisman running. I know some of you may be thinking this is a little early for Heisman talk, but with Bradford out of the picture it really comes down to two players: Colt McCoy of Texas and Tim Tebow of Florida.

Tebow is primed to become only the second player in college football history to win two Heisman trophies… and truth be told, if the Heisman was voted on after the Bowl Games then Tim would have won it last year too.

A Heisman Trophy poll conducted by Chris Huston of Heismanpundit.com has the following top 4 early leaders:

1. Tim Tebow, QB, Florida–60 points (8)
2. Colt McCoy, QB, Texas–57 (5)
3. Jahvid Best, RB, Cal–35
4. Dez Bryant, WR, Oklahoma State–10

You can see Tebow and McCoy are very close. If Florida goes undefeated in the regular season, I think the Heisman goes to Tebow. However, if both Texas and Florida lose a game and McCoy has a good season, I can see the voters throwing it his way just so we don’t have another two-time winner.

Once again, I know it’s early but here on Tebow Zone we aren’t afraid to bring it up early (and often).

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Tim Tebow in GQ http://www.tebowzone.com/2009/08/tim-tebow-in-gq/ http://www.tebowzone.com/2009/08/tim-tebow-in-gq/#comments Tue, 18 Aug 2009 22:30:58 +0000 Tebow Fan http://www.tebowzone.com/?p=330 This blog post is for all the ladies. Tim Tebow was recently featured in GQ Magazine with a 7 picture spread, including a shirtless shot (somehow I think the sale of Teebows are going to skyrocket). It’s not surprising that Tim was selected to be in the men’s magazine. With college football just 2-3 weeks away, and Tim being the most popular collegiate athlete it makes a perfect fit. Plus, he’s strong as hell and GQ subscribers could learn a lot from with workout routines.

For the complete photo slideshow, click here.

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Tim Tebow Featured In USA Today http://www.tebowzone.com/2009/07/tim-tebow-featured-in-usa-today/ http://www.tebowzone.com/2009/07/tim-tebow-featured-in-usa-today/#comments Tue, 28 Jul 2009 20:01:01 +0000 Tebow Fan http://www.tebowzone.com/?p=312 Florida Gator quarterback Tim Tebow was recently featured in a USA Today article. Like a lot of Tebow stories, this one dives into his off-the-field missionary work and what it will take for him to be a great NFL pro. You can read the entire article by Kelly Whiteside here. Below is an excerpt from the article:

As others wondered whether a third national championship and second Heisman Trophy would establish Florida quarterback Tim Tebow as the greatest player in college football history, Tebow spent the last eight months doing the usual.

He traveled to the Philippines on a missionary trip, visited hospitals and prisons, saw his Mississippi postgame speech get engraved on a plaque and placed outside the front entrance to the new football facility at Florida Field, was appointed by Florida’s governor as co-chair of the Governor’s Council on Physical Fitness, and met President Obama with the rest of his teammates at the White House after the team won its second national title in three years.

Beyond his extraordinary extracurricular activities, Tebow also spent part of the offseason tweaking his mechanics, including taking some snaps under center. Now that Dan Mullen, who worked closely with Tebow the past three years, is the head coach at Mississippi State, Tebow bonded with new quarterbacks coach Scot Loeffler, finding an instant comfort level. As an assistant at Michigan, Loeffler was among those who recruited Tebow out of high school.

I love reading all the publicity and positive reports around the country about Tim Tebow. No other college player gets this much recognition.

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Tim Tebow Wins Another ESPY http://www.tebowzone.com/2009/07/tim-tebow-wins-another-espy/ http://www.tebowzone.com/2009/07/tim-tebow-wins-another-espy/#comments Wed, 22 Jul 2009 11:10:44 +0000 Tebow Fan http://www.tebowzone.com/?p=303 How many times have I blogged about Tim Tebow needing a bigger mantle for all his awards and trophies. Last week Tim became the first two-time winner of the ESPY for College Male Athlete of the Year. Tebow beat Heisman Trophy winner Sam Bradford (Oklahoma, football), Matt Gilroy (Boston University, hockey), Blake Griffin (Oklahoma, basketball) and Stephen Strasburg (San Diego State, baseball) for the award.

Though this award doesn’t have the same prestige as a Heisman, it is still great for Tim and the University of Florida. In fact, Danny Wuerffel is the only other Gator to win it.

Tim was in Los Angeles to accept the award in person, once again give the University of Florida great positive publicity. I’m sure there were thousands of kids watching Tim on TV saying to their mom or dad “One day I want to go to UF and be just like Tim Tebow”.

Here are a couple of shots from Tim walking the red carpet.

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Tim Tebow on LeBron James Video http://www.tebowzone.com/2009/07/tim-tebow-on-lebron-james-video/ http://www.tebowzone.com/2009/07/tim-tebow-on-lebron-james-video/#comments Sat, 18 Jul 2009 01:03:44 +0000 Tebow Fan http://www.tebowzone.com/?p=300 So last week there was a ton of controversy surrounded an alleged video of Xavier basketball player Jordan Crawford dunking on LeBron James in a basketball camp. No big deal right? Well, the story blew up because some Nike execs allegedly took the video tape of the dunk from the camera man so it wouldn’t get leaked out. I guess Nike wouldn’t want video out there of a college kid making LeBron look like a fool.

So what does this have to do with Tim Tebow? Well YouBeenBlinded.com caught up with a bunch of athletes and asked them about the tape and what they thought of the situation. Tim Tebow responded around the 1:18 mark. Enjoy!

Click here to view the embedded video.

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Tim Tebow: SEC Male Athlete of the Year… Again http://www.tebowzone.com/2009/06/tim-tebow-sec-male-athlete-of-the-year-again/ http://www.tebowzone.com/2009/06/tim-tebow-sec-male-athlete-of-the-year-again/#comments Thu, 25 Jun 2009 11:21:12 +0000 Tebow Fan http://www.tebowzone.com/?p=287 Tim Tebow became only the third Gator to receive SEC Male Athlete of the Year Award; (Wuerffel (1996 and 1997) and Ryan Lochte (swimming, 2005) being the others. However, this is the second time Tim Tebow has won this Award. He was also named Male Athlete of the Year in 2007-2008 when he won the Heisman Trophy.

“The SEC is very proud to honor Tim and Courtney, as they are outstanding examples of what a student-athlete can accomplish, both athletically and educationally,” said SEC Commissioner Mike Slive. “Their hard work and dedication to excellence have made them fine representatives of their universities and this conference. We congratulate them and wish them the best in their future endeavors.”

Tim Tebow completed 64.4% of his passes for 2746 yards, 30 touchdowns and only 4 interceptions in last year’s BCS Championship season. He also rushed the ball for 673 yards and 12 touchdowns.

The SEC had some really good players last year, including Matt Stafford the No.1 overall pick in the NFL Draft, Knowshon Moreno, Tyson Jackson and Andre Smith. For Tim to win the award ahead of all of them is truly amazing. Good luck in 2009-2010… maybe you can bring home a 3rd!

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