Tim Tebow gets choked up watching SEALs

Tim Tebow admitted he got a little bit emotional watching the dedication of the U.S. Navy SEALs onscreen at Monday night’s premiere of Act of Valor.

“To see what that man did for our country,” Tebow said, describing one of the scenes of heroism in the movie that uses active-duty Navy SEALs to depict a fictional story about the country’s most elite fighting force. “That was something not talked about or celebrated.”

When asked if he got weepy during the emotional scene, Tebow responded: “Maybe a little. But it’s what (the military) do for us. It’s very touching.”

Tebow was spotted giving greetings to the stars of the film at the Act of Valor after-party and even wore a SEAL pendant on his vest, which was a gift from the SEALs.

Tebow denied he was thinking about a career change. “I don’t know about that,” he laughed. “But I definitely do appreciate what they do for us. It’s a very inspiring movie.”

Tebow also did a little stargazing at the Hollywood event. He bumped into former California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, who sported a sling from his recent shoulder surgery. And he asked to have his picture taken with Green Mile star Michael Clarke Duncan.

Duncan conceded being a fan despite the fact that Tebow delivered a crushing defeat to his team during the regular season.

“I’m a Bears fan,” said Duncan. “But I am big fan of yours.”

From: usatoday.com

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72 Responses to “Tim Tebow gets choked up watching SEALs”

  1. Tim, I’m not sure if you read any of this stuff or not; But, If you so happen to, would you please dome visit PCC (Pensacola Christian College)! I really think that our student body could use your positive attitude and bright, strong spirit! Many, many teachers on campus use you as an example of how we should act and be, in society! You are the person that allot of people look up to! I am currently reading your book, and it is truly inspiring! As a little girl, I grew up with my grandfather watching the Denver Broncos and before he went to Heaven he asked me to one day go to a home game and meet the current quaterback, for him. I am sure that he is looking down smiling and so glad that God has used you not only in soci ety where everyone can see you, but on the best NFL team, in the best way!
    Please consider it, and thank you for being someone that we can look up to! God has, and is using you for great things!
    Sincerely, Krysten Davis (PCC student)

    • Tisa says:

      Timmy frequently speaks at Christian schools and colleges for fund raisers. PCC could contact XV Enterprises and schedule a fund raiser. I think they charge $50,000 for an appearance like that. I live in Pensacola and would love to see Timmy again. GBPT2!!!

  2. Tisa says:

    What are ya’ll thinking about Tebow’s exploits in Hollywood? For one, I will be glad when he gets out of there. Hanging with celebrities is not the direction I ever anticipated Tebow going. Can’t see where it fits into anything he’s ever said he wanted to do. Keep playing with fire and eventually you get burned. Wondering if he is breaking with his brother and Angel Gonzalez since he signed with the William Morris agency- a sign he intends to do more with the entertainment world. Trying to reserve my opinion until I know more but it is not what I expected from him. GBPT2 More than ever now!

    • ck says:

      Tisa: Like you, am trying to reserve judgement even though I believe that is not the direction that he should envision for himself as most of us know that there are way too many pitfalls!!! Guess, he needs a lot more prayers b/c it will be very disappointing since he is a role model if he is negatively influenced. Someone wisely stated that he should find a private QB coach that can advance his skills before team practice starts and that would appear to be a better use of his time instead of getting mixed up with all the mess that is Hollywood!!!!

      • Tisa says:

        CK, he is working out with a private QB coach at UCLA, Noel Mazzone. That is why he is in the LA area to begin with. Mazzone says he is making phenomenal progress. It just worries me because he has so much to lose if he really got caught up in that mess. His family for one thing. But, I know he speaks with his mother several times a day and if he were doing things they did not approve of he would be hearing about it. Plus, Robby is always with him, but he’s an attactive young man with a lot to lose too. They should leave there the end of this week because they start a round of public appearances next week before the OTA’S start in May. GBPT2!!!

        • Ang says:

          Keep praying for him! Remember, Jesus hung with people who were not supposedly “approved of” back in the day. Tim can’t just stay in a Christian bubble and just hang with Christians. God might need him to spread his Word out there! “Healthy people don’t need a doctor–sick people do. I have come to call sinners to turn from their sins, not to spend my time with those who think they are already good enough.” Luke 5:31-32 NLT…Just a thought.

          • ck says:

            Ang: It just saddens me that there are people out there who would like nothing better than to try and tarnish his rep. and sometimes you can’t reach people like that…i.e., “Don’t cast your pearls before swine!” Even Jesus was somewhat selective IMO! But, you are right that he needs lots of prayers in that environment especially, at that age!! GBPT2!!!

        • ck says:

          Tisa: Thanks for the update Tisa and am glad he is still serious about his goals in spite of what is around him. Wasn’t sure when the OTA’s start…great news as that will keep him happily occupied and so we hope out of harm’s way!!! GBPT2!!!

  3. Tisa says:

    CK, Someone tweeted a video to me yesterday. In the video they asked Timmy what people could pray for and he said that he would appreciate prayers for him to grow in his platform for the Lord and that he will be able to impact people’s lives for the Lord and to remain a role model for the younger generation. The interviewer ended the short interview with “Stay strong, you know the devil is after you.” So true!Timmy has a target on his back. Because he has stated that he is a virgin, women are clamoring to be able to say they got him. Because he’s a Christian, lots of people just want to see him fail. Even people who don’t want to ruin him just want to be seen with him. I am so glad he has the family he has. It would be so lonely otherwise. GBPT2 more than ever and at T2′s request!

    • ck says:

      Tisa: Well, that just about sums it up…we are on the majority’s side that want him to succeed! Believe that he is a lot stronger
      (THANK GOD!) than most people give him credit for and that is definitely to his advantage with the “LOW-TO-ZERO STANDARD’S CULTURE” that is now in place!! So very glad he is blessed to have such
      “VERY STRONG FAMILY TIES” to help him stay grounded, especially in light of the many prayers being said on his behalf!!! Agree that he needs all kinds of protection and then some!!! GBPT2!!!!

  4. Cindy says:

    There has been quite a few things going on in Tim’s life since this seals article was posted, what’s up?

  5. tawk says:

    Wow I am so upset! Tebow needs to ask to be traded as soon as possible, what a crock Denver going after Manning, what faith does this show in Tebow I knew it was all a lie from Fox and Elway they never wanted Tebow. Tebow needs to go to a team and owners, coaches that want him and who will have faith in him and they will reap just rewards.

    I am just so upset right now, words cannot even express how I feel. Tebow helped the team to get to the playoffs no matter what the critics say! How quickly the in the moment Tebow fans jump off the train to board Mannings train, makes me sick!

    I hope Tebow gets traded to a rival and kicks the broncos behinds! You know what goes around comes around and I would not want to be playing against Tebow, he will only get better and better.

    Sorry to vent.

  6. BuzzyBuzzard says:

    Yes the site has not been changed since Feb 15 as i said last year T2 will wind up in Jax They will have to trade him to get the picks and $ to back Manning. Remenber Jax Is in AFC and T2 and the Jags might rain on your playoff like Bunnell did a few years ago , I sure Hope so.

  7. Tisa says:

    The Broncos are not going to get Manning,as much as I wish they would and then trade Timmy to Jax. So, Timmy is going to have to live with the situation of playing for a bunch of people that do not believe in him. Even the fans out there voted 60/40 in favor of Manning. Also, if the QB they pick up in trades can throw a beautiful pass in the pocket, we will face another year of Timmy being put down because someone else looks good at practice. At least Timmy is in Florida for a while. Hope he gets some rest and quality time with his family. GBPT2

  8. tawk says:

    Yes the so called fans were all for Tebow when he was helping win those games last year now they are ready to throw him to the dogs in favor of Manning. I would not want to play for fans that gave up on me so quickly, Tebow has yet to play a full season back to back games with an offseason of training. I hope Tebow is talking to his agent who by the way represents Manning as well to be traded now! I just hope where he ends up they have the faith and believe in him and he will not make them sorry. Tebow will be one of the greatest to play the game, in ten years we will be talking about what a great player he is and how could anyone have not thought he could do it.

    I hope he gets traded to a rival and he and his new team knock the broncos out of the playoffs! Tebow needs to stand up for himself and not let Elway and Fox treat him this way again!

  9. BuzzyBuzzard says:

    Yes he is down here in Jax this week maybe i will get see him drive down 103rd street as i did last year If he gets traded to Jax he will get a chance to burn EFX 2013 Jax plays Denver in a Preseason But a Playoff would be much Better.
    I cant believed the Denver Fan threw T2 under the Bus that easy to spend most of the cap on Manning would be dumb as the need many O&D players Of course the would get some free picks trading T2

  10. Vera says:

    Correction! There is only one picture of Tim in the galleries at this time. Darn!


  11. Vera says:

    What happened?? I posted a message that Tim spoke in Lakeland, FL last evening. It was on the web site, on my computer, then is was gone!!

    To read the article go to http://www.theledger.com


  12. BuzzyBuzzard says:

    Well they (EFX) Have Put out feelers to trade T2 to see what they can get for him I cant believed the owner of the Broncos would allow this But maybe he is in on it. This Manning thing is a Bandaid at the most I think theY will wish they had not done this after its too Late.
    What an insult to Tim He should ask for a trade now I know its the NFL But T2 has not had a Full Season or an off season with the other Broncos Players Maybe the owner will step in and Kill this Junk

  13. BuzzyBuzzard says:

    Peyton Manning will meet with the Broncos in Denver on Friday night, a newspaper reported.
    According to The Denver Post, the Broncos are on the short list of teams for which the former Indianapolis Colts quarterback would like to play.
    Reports surfaced Thursday that Manning wanted to find his new team by the end of next week and that he would prefer to stay in the AFC.


  14. tawk says:

    Yes Tebow should ask for a trade now! Such liars the whole Broncos office and coaches! They all make me sick. I pray that Tebow winds up on a team that will beat the broncos out of going to the playoffs or better yet beat them in a Superbowl!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    What makes me sick is all of the fans who acted like they supported Tebow only to leave him in the dirt for Manning. What goes around comes around!!!

    We are praying for you Tebow!!! Hang in there and don’t give up on yourself.

  15. tawk says:

    Even if Manning does not go to Denver I hope Tebow demands to be traded or released, what lying scumbags Fox and Elway! The team will never have respect for Tebow again, and Tebow will always be looking over his shoulder for the next quarterback to replace him, he could help the team win the super bowl and Elway and Fox would get rid of him for another quarterback if they are available! Makes me so sick. I knew Elway was lying this whole time, what a joke he is and his true colors are really showing now.

    So I am praying that Tebow goes to another team that believes in him and will stand behind and build a team around him. Go Tebow!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. BuzzyBuzzard says:

    Yes Tim should fly to Denver and request a release or a trade and let denver find a new QB I dont think Gene Smith of the Jags will give in But tim could be on the free Market Tuesday There Is No way EFX are going to get out of this I hope for the other Broncos players that they get a good QB EFX I think you have step on it.

  17. Tisa says:

    This will work out for Timmy! He will be released from a team that does not believe in him. I would love to see Smith change his mind and bring Tebow to Jax. Wherever he goes, I can’t wait to see him come back and defeat the Broncos and rub it in their noses! Team Tebow will be there, wherever he goes! GBPT2!!

    • tawk says:

      Amen Tisa me too, I hope he goes to the Jaguars! I also hope that he plays the Broncos in the future and whips their tails I know he will go on to win a superbowl or several. Tebow just needs his coaching staff and owners to get behind him and believe in him.

  18. BuzzyBuzzard says:

    Everyone is talking about Broncos Run Game for PM did They forget there is no run game without the threat of Tim Tebow ask the Steelers Nuff said

    • tawk says:

      Yes BuzzyBuzzard Tebow is most of the reason the Broncos had such an awesome running game! How quickly some forget.

  19. Brooke says:

    Less than a year ago, a lot of people on this site wanted Tim to demand a trade, b/c they were starting Orton. Yet, Tim was wise, kept quiet, & waited. And the season turned out pretty well for him, didn’t it? And now, through Woody Paige, Tim’s made it clear that he’s ok w/this attempt to get Manning, which IMO is also very wise of him.

    The scenario that happened last year, w/Tim being brought in as starter before the Miami game-wasn’t unpredictable. If Orton didn’t play well in those first 5 games, it was logical that Tim would be brought in as starter before their bye week. And this year, it’s also logical that if Peyton doesn’t play as well as people expect him to, or if he gets injured again, Tim will also be brought back in as starter, just like last year. But that won’t happen if his fans keep making noise before the season even begins. If that happens, Elway will *have* to get rid of Tim in order to avoid allowing one player to become such a distraction to the team. Because Tim has no say in where he would be traded, Elway would simply send him to the highest bidder. That could be a team that would be all wrong, & even dangerous, for Tim: one w/a lousy O-line, bad receivers, etc.

    What I’m asking is that everyone calm down, & do what Tim’s doing: let this thing play out & see what happens. Last year turned out well enough for Tim that it was as if there was actually a divine plan to it all. That may just be the case again this year.

  20. tawk says:

    One year I can sit back and wait but two years in a row not gonna happen. The team will have no respect for Tebow now and Tebow needs to go elsewhere where he is believed in and given the players around him to succeed, with Elway that will never happen. Tebow needs to stand up for himself this time and not let Elway and Fox do this to him again, the Denver broncos do not deserve Tebow they have proven this time and time again. I hope he gets traded or released soon, and if Manning does not come I hope he asked to be let go or traded.

    Tebow does not need to be looking over his shoulders all year long for the next quarterback that Elway wants to replace him with. I believe in faith and prayer but I also believe that we need to make decisions in life that help us stay on the path we are wanting to pursue.

    As far as a team with no o-line or good receivers that was the team he is on now the Broncos, if you look back how many times was Tebow sacked and eventually really hurt, because he had no protection, and yes he missed some passes but the receivers dropped a bunch of passes too.

    Please Tebow ask to be traded or released Elway and Fox will never believe in or back you up.

  21. BuzzyBuzzard says:

    Some good news New England is talking to Tebow

    Well Mr Smith Are you going to go along on Tebow or wait until Josh McD of New England trades for Him Its only 800k and a 3 round pick. His running threat will sure help MJD and ask the steellers what happon when they put 8 in the box to stop the Run T2 will win at least 8 games for u of course 8 games wont get u to the PO in the AFCS but it is an improvement over the Jags record Lately

  22. Brooke says:

    tawk: We all know that Tim isn’t some doormat who puts up w/other people treating him badly. That scene of him talking to his future agent in the ‘Everything in Between’ doc more than proved that. And after McDaniels was fired, Tim asked to meet w/the team owner to ask him directly if he was still wanted. If Tim asks for a trade it will be a clear indication that someone in the organization has told him personally he’s no longer wanted. If that happens, I’ll support his decision & hope & pray that the situation will work out for good.

    There’s another factor at play here, though. If Elway trades Tebow, he’s not going to be deciding where Tim goes based on what’s best for Tim. He might not even just decide to go w/the highest bidder. If he has multiple bidders, he might intentionally send Tim to a team where he knows Tim will fail, just to avoid making himself look incompetent. After all, Elway would certainly look stupid if the Broncos were to fail w/Peyton, but Tim were to go on & win a Super Bowl w/the team he traded him to. As much as I wish that would happen, just to spite Elway, I think the chances of that happening are far slimmer than the chances of Tim getting to start due to Manning playing badly or getting injured.

    There *are* teams w/worse O-lines than the Broncos-dangerously worse. The Chargers’ terrible O-line was the major reason Philip Rivers played so unusually badly last year. Jay Cutler was sacked about 10 times in 1 game a couple of years ago & got a concussion. Aaron Rodgers had TWO concussions in 2010. Tim’s already had 1 concussion-I don’t want him to have any more. And the Broncos O-line was as bad as it was in the 2nd playoff game, b/c-IIRC-a couple of key players were injured (I know at least Kuper was & he’s very good). If the Broncos O-line were that terrible, Manning wouldn’t even be considering going to the Broncos.

    Everyone: It’s Tim’s decision whether or not he should ask for a trade, not any of us. I know it’s frustrating, but IMHO the best thing we can do to help Tim right now is to just talk among ourselves & leave his bosses, & the media (incl tweeting), alone. It’s not Tim that’s jeopardized his place in Denver by being a distraction to the team. He’s not a diva & doesn’t complain. It’s been us, his fans, that have been a big pain for his teammates & bosses to deal w/.

    • Tisa says:

      That is the purpose of this blog, to talk among ourselves. That is all the people are doing. You mentioned the conversation Tim had with Sexton, he needs to have the same conversation with the Broncos, again.Playing behind Peyton Manning is very different from playing behind Kyle Orton. If they go with Manning, they are going away from Tebow. Tebow is two years into his contract and could be five years into it if Peyton does well for the projected three years. Tim has already had a taste of starting. Can’t see him content sitting until he is five years into his career. Since Peyton designs his own plays, they will not be anything Tebow could easily drop into so Broncos will probably need a more traditionsl QB to back him. I know Tim will be all right. This may very well be God’s plan to get him away from the Broncos. (All things work for Good for those who love the Lord.)But I enjoy talking to others who care about what happens to Tim and support him. GBPT2!

  23. Brooke says:

    buzzy: where are you getting this? I have on NFL Network & am looking at Mile High Report’s twitter feed right now & they’re not mentioning anything.

  24. Brooke says:

    buzzy: And I’ve just googled Tebow+Patriots & got nothing. Where did you hear this?

  25. BuzzyBuzzard says:

    i read it some where that JMc called him Tampa i dont know it there was trade talk But Mr smith seems to be the Jags Hold Up there were 5 other teams that said they would entertain Trading for T2

  26. BuzzyBuzzard says:

    Hey I liked T2 in denver after the jags passed the 10th and 18 pick to get Tim in the 2010 draft the jags had a chance to trade for the 18Th and passed that also. as u know i am from jax they kinda did him bad also but not loke this.

  27. tawk says:

    Wow Bill Belichick really trashed Tebow on the NFL network, he says if John Elway and John Fox don’t want him he does not either! He said if they want Manning so bad Tebow must not be able to play. He also says that no one will want Tebow, he makes me sick, so tired of all the so called sports critics trashing Tebow!

    Tebow can throw the ball, Elway and Fox did not let him much last year, the always for the first three downs ran the ball and then wanted Tebow to perform a miracle on third and long, I don’t know of another quarterback that is played like that, they set him up to fail, but Tebow being Tebow found a way to win!

    • tisa says:

      Bill Billick said that not Bill Billichick SP?Bill Billick is just a commentator on ESPN that used to be a coach. He has never had anything good to say about Tebow. Nothing new.GBPT2!!!

      • tawk says:

        Sorry Tisa I always get the two names mixed up not the people lol. Yes he is always trashing Tebow!

  28. BuzzyBuzzard says:

    Bill Billichick has said nice thing about Tim Tebow they looked at him in 2010 and was one of the reason Josh McD jump all over T2 and if i could find the write up they still said nice things

    • tawk says:

      Thanks I always get those two names mixed up not the people. Bill Belichick has said good things about Tebow. I really hate the other guy
      Brian Billick so full of himself.

      I pray we hear some news of where Manning is going soon, I hope even if he does not come to Denver that Tebow asks for a trade or to be released, Elway and Fox do not want him, if it was not clear before it is now. I pray a team and coaching staff gets him and believes in him.

  29. Brooke says:

    Brian Billick is an unimaginative former HC…which is why he currently works in tv, instead of as a coach. He was one of the commentators during the Sugar Bowl &, even while Tim was setting a BCS bowl record w/his THROWING, Billick was pointing out during the game why Tebow would have trouble in the NFL.

    Bill Belichick, on the other hand, has had good things to say about Tim since well before he left college. He has FIVE Super Bowl rings & at least 2 more SB appearances-all as a coach, not as a player(*cough*Elway*cough*). His defensive game plan from Super Bowl XXV is in the Pro Football Hall of Fame. He’s been nicknamed The Genius for a reason. I’ve had this nagging feeling that Tim’s going to end up w/Belichick since he was drafted. Even though Tom Brady’s a year younger than Peyton, that feeling keeps getting stronger…

  30. ck says:

    Have been out of town and can only imagine what must be going through T2′s mind!! If they think Peyton is their answer, this is very sad b/c he has had four neck surgeries already and usually that in itself is a career ender!! At the very least, he could be a mentor/coach! Anyway, most of my judgement will be reserved until their actions expose them further and it is not looking too good for them either!!! Will agree w/Tisa in that “ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR GOOD TO THOSE THAT ARE CALLED ETC.” AND, YES, THAT MEANS TEBOW!!!!!

  31. ck says:

    Read someone’s opinion on why Elway & Co. are putting up a smoke screen in the form of interviewing for Manning so that Tebow will ask to be traded to Jax and the fans will not revolt on them due to it not actually being THEIR DECISION BUT HIS…if this is true, hope Tebow sees through it and waits while all of it BACKFIRES!!!!

  32. Brooke says:

    I completely agree w/your 2 posts, ck. Sportswriter Michael Silver said in his terrific column defending Tebow earlier this week that, from what he’s heard, nobody from the Broncos contacted Tim to let him know they were going after Manning. If that’s true, it’s clear that Elway either has no regard for Tebow off the field either, or that it was done intentionally to make Tebow feel disrespected enough that he’d ask for a trade. I think Tim will only do that if things become truly unbearable in Denver & even then, maybe not.

    There’s so much risk involved in going after Manning that, whether he chooses Denver, or someplace else, I can easily imagine this blowing up in Elway’s face. And if it doesn’t, & Manning chooses Denver & plays well, it can still work out well for Tim in a number of ways.

    Btw, what I’ve read/heard in the past about Peyton’s surgeries is basically this:
    1) He had multiple conventional surgeries to try to correct the problem, but those didn’t work, so…
    2) As a last-ditch effort, he had to get a very new surgery involving using his own stem cells that required him to get it in Europe, b/c it isn’t even done in the US.
    If anyone knows whether or not this is accurate, I’d love to know. If it’s true, Peyton’s taking a huge risk to even play again. Thanks

    • Tisa says:

      ck and Brooke, yes we all do need to just wait this out. Personally, I don’t think Elway is smart enough to make up a Machiavellian scheme in order to manipulate Tebow into asking for a trade. I think Elway sincerely wants Manning or some other traditional passer and is not going to be vested in Tebow or patient with him. We also know that Tim lives an annointed life and has other interests besides football. His father once said that God will one day tap him on the shoulder and say,
      “Timmy, it’s time to leave football and be mine full time.” I know this family is praying hard over this and will help Timmy make the right decision. Whether Elway knows it or not, he does not control Timmy’s life. While I have my own opinions about where I would like him to be, God knows best and we might all be in for a big surprise. GBPT2!!

  33. tawk says:

    Wow Skip Bayless really ripped Tebow today on ESPN first take! He said Tebow has no football IQ and could not learn! From what I have read and followed through Tim’s years at Florida and with the Denver Broncos is he is always studying the playbook, tapes, he is the first one in and the last to leave each day! I thought Skip was on Tebow’s side I am now beginning to wonder?

    Everywhere I go Tebow is being bashed except here. It makes me so angry that many of the Bronco fans can turn on Tebow so fast, do they not remember what he brought to this team last year? How quickly they all forget. Makes me so sick. My hubby says I am getting to upset over it and Tebow will be fine, I just worry that the media has ruined Tebow’s chances of being a starting quarterback in the NFL. I pray there is a team out there that really want him and are willing to beleive and back him.

    I have seen that Jacksonville really does not want him they have Blaine Gabbert which last year he did not do very well, but if that is who they believe in then they will back him.

    So tired of the rollercoaster ride, I can only imagine how Tebow feels.

  34. ck says:

    Definitely glad we have this site to vent…wonder what is going on with no updates though?!!!!

    • Tisa says:

      At one point David asked for someone to help with the site. I hope there is not something wrong with David because I can not imagine that he does not have an opinion on all this angst. David, hope you and your family are well and just busy! GBPT2!!

  35. BuzzyBuzzard says:

    If the leak is correct and the thunbs up that Manning gave to the fans outside the TiTans camp It looks like He is going to the Titans

    Now what Jax has already has two QBs Geene Smith Played His hand and he is about the same as Elway the will have to draft some O Line and some WR Royal is going to the redskins and a bunch of D Players

    Maybe Miami is a landing place for T2 or EFX Better Get on their knees and offer up some money to show some support about 5M to Tims Foundation might work well i am Being a A– i just feel so sorry for T2

  36. ck says:

    If Manning is smart, will avoid all the misrep./lies by Elway & Fox!

  37. BuzzyBuzzard says:

    I dont think Fox was all in on this deal But what choice did he have If the leak is correct T2 will stay at Denver Adams is suppose to have a press conf Monday I assume that is to welcome PM to Tenn.

    According to ESPN Football analyst, John Clayton, Jacksonville’s signing of Chad Henne may have killed any chance of these two teams had in making a potential deal if the Broncos sign Manning.
    The Jacksonville Jaguars are paying backup quarterback Chad Henne decent money to provide a challenge to incumbent Blaine Gabbert.
    That was a block T2 move by Gene Smith two years at 5M for Henne.
    I dont understand His thinking as T2 will sell out the place even as a Back up and it he had a run like he had last year it would be great for years to come.

  38. Cindy says:

    Did any of you see where Elway flew to N.C this morning to see Manning working out, what an a** kisser.

    • tawk says:

      Yes Cindy I have never liked Elway and his lies, he never wanted Tebow, he never gave him any praise for last year, and if he said anything if was not geniune. I just hope the media has not ruined Tebow’s chances of landing a starting Quarterback job in the NFL. All most of them have done is crucify him in the media. They all make me sick!

      • BuzzyBuzzard says:

        Now Smith of the Jags is looking to draft another QB in the 3 or 5 round of the draft He Is just putting up a smoke screen to keep T2 out of Jax I dont understand what they are trying to do to the Kid as they sure need T2 more than he needs them.
        YoU know i posted the Manning deal way back before the SB and it got deleted for some reason Elway was talking to Manning after the new england game The Leak stills says Manning going to Tenn

    • ck says:

      No, not as yet…going to look into it–thanks!

  39. Brooke says:

    I just finally got around to seeing this fantastic 2-month-old vid:


    For those who haven’t seen it, be prepared to get goosebumps &, given the direction things have gone, possibly even a little misty-eyed.

    I want this to happen again for Tim. Only the next time, I want it to be in a Super Bowl.

    • tawk says:

      Thanks Brooke, for the awesome link to this magical and heartfelt video. I teared up as well, I remember jumping up and down and going crazy then too. I just pray that Tebow finds another team, I hope the media bashing will not keep other teams from pursuing Tim. He is such a talented and magical quarterback/person.

      My husbands team the 49′ers are waiting on Manning decision as well, he loves Tebow too. I have literally been sick on how Tebow has been treated by Elway and Co. I just pray that everything works out and he will still be a starting quarterback in the NFL.

      He has inspired so many including me. Thanks again Brooke for the post.

    • ck says:

      Brooke: Thanks for sharing the video, it was great to see a HERO IN ACTION! They can’t take that away ever!! Agree w/you and he has more than just my vote for being able to earn mutiple titles of MVP as well as being the winner of future SUPERBOWLS(AS IN PLURAL)!!!
      Also, very much believe everything will eventually turn out to be in his favor b/c God has certainly blessed/destined him for GREATNESS!!!!

  40. Brooke says:

    “Also, very much believe everything will eventually turn out to be in his favor b/c God has certainly blessed/destined him for GREATNESS!!!!”

    I agree, ck. I think that’s why I’m able to keep fairly calm about this. Last year seemed like it was going to be a disaster for Tim-on more than 1 occasion, too-, but then it turned out to be incredibly good. I think this year-or, at least next year-, can/will be, too.

  41. Huh says:

    Yeah, I agree with Brook. I’m not worry about Tebow one bit. He’ll be just fine. The drama is just annoying that’s all. Elway’s a backstabber but that’s life. The Bible promises tribulations and trials, not an easy ride through life. It’s character building. It’s also telling that all this drama follows on the heal of his speaking engagements at churches. He’s preaching and inspiring people and this comes along. It’s definitely a fiery trial. All we can do is pray for him. GB

  42. ck says:

    Will share a rather long editorial I found by someone named Dan S. on “Time Blog: Covering The Tim Tebow Era–A Post Script To The 2011 Season.”
    “The end to the Broncos and Tim Tebow’s season was only nominally surprising. On the other hand, no one expected the Patriot’s leaky D to bring it like they did; on the other hand, it’s not like Fox and McCoy proved particularly adept at modifying their offensive schemes when defenses figured them out. At the same time, for all the breathless “Tim Tebow vs. Tom Brady!” pregame hype, it’s not like Tebow was responsible for Brady and the Pat’s offense putting up a bazillion points.
    I’ll stick with the bigger picture: Tebow led a team that was projected in August to win less than half-dozen games (and predicted in early October to win half of that) to the playoffs and a thrilling first found win over the defending conference champs. It was a smashing success of a season. And that’s why it’s so frustrating to get the return of John Elway’s underminey schtick yesterday, when he said that Tebow was the team’s starting QB…heading into training camp.
    For the record, of the 11 other 2011 NFL playoff teams, not a single one would say that their starting QB only has the job heading into training camp. For that matter, of the 20 other teams in the NFL, maybe a half-dozen (bottom feeders) aren’t already committed to a week 1 starter for 2012.
    Would it have been hard for Elway to have said “Tim Tebow is our starting QB next season.” (1) It should be true; he’s earned it.
    (2) It’s not like anyone will hold Elway to that in the event that something goes horribly awry in training camp. What you’re left with is the feeling we had after week 7 or week 8 or week 9 or week 10 or week 11 (and on and on)–that Elway isn’t committed to Tebow. Not really, in any case. (We already know Fox wasn’t.)
    I’ll stand by my analysis from October: Staring at a lost season after that 1-4 start, Elway and Fox figured they would start Tebow, he would flail his way to one or two wins over the next 11 games and the team execs would have the air cover to cut Tebow loose. When Tebow won, the execs’ plan was spoiled–even as they tried to enjoy the ride through the playoffs (knowing full well it was creating a problem for them in the longer-term; if they didn’t want Tebow).
    If Elway and Fox don’t see Tebow as the long-term starter, it is the height of disingenuousness for them to string everyone along. It is laughable that they would be so afraid of public reaction a/o media reaction–let alone that Tebow would sign on elsewhere and have a good NFL career–that they would leave their principles at the door and continue to claim to work with him if they really don’t want to.
    I suspect they will collect the house money they won in 2011 and shift their original 2011 strategy to 2012–let Tebow start and hope he loses enough that they can justify benching him, ultimately, letting him go.
    The proof will be whether they refine the Tebow Offense–more sophistication, more counters to what defenses do to adapt, more variety of plays as Tebow improves in other areas. Let’s remember that they got to the playoffs with an offense that barely scratched the surface of innovation. (Of course, Fox’s own myth-making to the contrary, he’s not an innovater.)
    I don’t believe Elway and Fox want to create something long-term and successful with Tebow, both because they don’t believe he can pull it off and, without question, because they lack the gumption to try. I do believe that we’re in for many many more months of conversations like this. And I do believe that with a commitment to innovation and to Tebow, the Broncos could be even more successful than this season’s run into the NFL’s Divisional Round.” — Dan

    Response to above by Victoria from 01/17/2012–
    “Great post. My own theory is that Elway has kept Tim reigned in so that he can “work with him” in the off season.
    I think John Elway is positioning himself to take all the credit for any success Tebow has. He has scripted the story to read: Well Tim is good, but he can’t be great unless Elway condescends to teach Tim all he knows. I said it from the start and even now there are polls out there about how wonderful it will be for Elway to mentor Tim. It is enough to make you puke. The wonderful part is that Elway will become a better person if he truly spends time with Tim.
    Tim does not need Elway to make him great. They unleashed Tim against the Steelers and those of us who have watched Tim from the start saw for the first time the Tebow we all know and love. They will probably let Tim play like he is capable of next year-but we will see vast articles and interviews with Elway and how wonderful it is that he made Tim into a great NFL player. Of course, if Elway is so great why couldn’t he do all this with Kyle Orton?”

    The response by Victoria, especially the one about “TIM DOES NOT NEED ELWAY TO MAKE HIM GREAT!” is the truth!!! Needless to say, has already surpassed Elway in many more ways than just football; plus, set records as a Bronco’s QB and broken NFL QB records too!!!

  43. ck says:

    I, for one, am beginning to see how desperate Elway and Fox are becoming in order to save their positions due to their own obvious flaws in leading the Broncos Organization. (If Manning takes as many hits as Tebow did then you can count on quadriplegic being his only legacy w/Broncos sad to say; and, no, I don’t wish this to happen. EFOX taking the owner’s/Bowlen’s private jet to chase down a player that is on his way to retirement …actions sure speak louder than words!!!) Remember, Fox was a coach that was previously fired for doing exactly what he is doing now and has done in the past: failed to be innovative and has become irrelevant!!!! BEGINNING TO BELIEVE HE SHOULD HAVE RETIRED ALONG WITH THE CAR SALESMAN!!! Looks like Elway’s untruths are going to catch up with him and he is losing whatever scant credibility he appeared to have! Don’t know of too many MORALLY NON-BANKRUPT individuals that would commit to an organization that has no respect for any such player who continues to try to be loyal in the face of such undeserved nonsense!!!

  44. tawk says:

    Wow I wish Tebow had control of his own destiny like Alex Smith, Alex is taking his future in his own hands and trying other places. Tebow is still under contract and cannot do this. Makes me sick that Elway and Fox don’t want Tebow anyways but won’t let him go. I pray that another team will pick up Tebow who believes in Tebow and will be ready to commit for the long haul. They will not be sorry!

  45. tawk says:

    Breaking news Manning has chosen Denver he asked his agent to start negoiating contracts with Denver, so now it is a wait and see game with Tebow, I just pray he finds the right home and not one where he will be sabatoged again! Lets Keep Tim in our prayers.

    • Ang says:

      My husband just sent me a text about this. I’ve been praying & will continue to pray for Tim. When God closes a door he opens a window. Good will come from this somehow. I just knew something was up when Tim wasn’t named starting qb for the upcoming SEASON, but just til training camp! Not an Elway fan, sorry.


  46. Cindy says:

    Brooke, thank you so much for posting that video, it was great.

  47. Ang says:

    Absolutely fantastic video! So needed to see that! Thank you for sharing, Brooke!


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