Katy Perry dedicates song Peacock to Tim Tebow

Katy Perry dedicated a song to Tim Tebow during a pre-game Super Bowl performance.

The ‘Firework’ singer’s Christian pastor parents, Mary and Keith Hudson, reportedly want to set her up with the Denver Broncos player following her split from husband Russell Brand in December and Katy gave a flirtatious shout-out to the sportsman by dedicating her song ‘Peacock’ to him on Saturday (04.02.2012).

Before singing the lyrics which include the words “I wanna see your peacock, cock, cock, your peacock, cock”, Katy said at the performance at DirectTV’s Super Saturday Night, “This goes out to Tim Tebow”.

Katy, 27, also hinted she is ready to move on from her 14-month marriage, by saying “Everything feels brand new.”

Katy’s parents are said to have targeted Tim as a potential new son-in-law because he is “above all, a good Christian”.

A source said previously: “Katy’s mom firmly believes the best cure for heartache is to quickly fall in love again. In her mind, Tebow is the perfect guy for her daughter. He’s handsome, charming, intelligent and above all, a good Christian.”

However, Tim wasn’t the only footballer Katy flirted with on Saturday, Cam Newton of the Carolina Panthers caught her eye as she presented him with the award for Offensive Rookie of the Year at the National Football League Honors.

She said: “You’ll be the first straight man I’ve had a photo with in a long time, so live up to it.”

From: ctv.ca
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13 Responses to “Katy Perry dedicates song Peacock to Tim Tebow”

  1. ang says:

    I just don’t see that happening. And that song is inappropriate in my opinion.

  2. Tisa says:

    There was a lot of disgusting gossip out of the past week end regarding Tebow and a variety of women. One article had him leaving a party with Maria Menonous at 2:30 in the morning. She is 33 and supposedly in a long term relationship. I don’t like the implections. Tim can’t talk to someone with out the media making a nasty story out of it.

    • ck says:

      Tisa: Key word is disgusting with a capital “D”! Can’t believe even Rosie O’D came over to T2 and shook his hand for a photo op…she is the epitome of …can fill in the blank! One day, Dr. Oz had her on his show and so from that point on have chosen to not only turn the channel but possibly not watch anymore!! Guess she is not doing so well on you know who’s network and needs extra publicity!!! Seems all are blatant set-ups in hopes to garner attention since he has so many positive opportunities in comparison to how low they have sunk and are going nowhere in their dried up careers after insulting the public!!!!
      Just one of the reasons chosen in refusing to throw money away on the movies that are mostly not worth seeing anymore due to moral turpitude etc.!!!!!
      As far as comments go, couldn’t agree more w/you!!!

  3. BuzzyBuzzard says:

    She is just trying to get in his Light and the song is inappropriate as stated above Just riding on Tim’s coat tail

  4. ck says:

    No comment other than extreme desperation shown on the part of Tebowzone to try and put yet another dishonorable unworthy news item on this site…whatever happened to having a sense of respectability?

    • tisa says:

      This stuff is so disgusting. I hope and pray Timmy and Robbie understand that this is all about the media circling like sharks trying to trip him up. These women would love to say they had successfully seduced him and bask in the publicity of ruining him. God, please protect this kid ad give him wisdom!!! GBT2!!!

      • ck says:

        tisa: Yes, we see all the traps and, hopefully, God opens their eyes to all of this in spite of their youth! Know his parents are probably praying a lot in this regard!! Well said, tisa!!!

  5. Cindy says:

    Obviously her parents have no influence on her upbringing, I’m sure Tim was flattered but not at all interested in the likes of Katy Perry.

    • Tisa says:

      I doubt if he was flattered, if you read the lyrics. There is no doubt what part of the anatomy the singer would like to see. This past weekend opened my eyes about the environment of the NFL. I saw pictures of a number of events, mostly through people I twitter with. There were nearly naked women everywhere(dressed in thongs and bra tops), all around Tebow. The NFL wants to talk about having an image of good character? Why do they need to expose young men to all this depravity? It makes it very hard for a young man to maintain the good character he may have brought to the NFL. No wonder Ben R. and others get in trouble when they are around normal women.

  6. Cindy says:

    Tisa, maybe you are right, I did not read the lyrics, maybe he was even embarressed about it, also he is above looking at half naked women.

  7. jason says:

    I thought about you good folks at the super bowl. Tebow looked annoyed at a party my Ashley & I were at when people weren’t doing photo ops with him. Kinda like a kid at a place kids weren’t meant to be if that makes sense. I don’t think he & his brother liked what was going on so you folks have nothing to worry about with him being the symbol you want him to be.
    I’ve been to the past 6 super bowls, the parties of super week & tebow looked as unwanting to be there as anyone I’ve seen.
    He made me think about you guys & gals again & so I thought i’d check in & saw this & wanted to let you folks. Know you have nothing to worry about.

    It was cool to see what he did for denver this year & do some really cool things to see. I hope he gains some more ground on the “pure” QB skills cause it was fun to see the breakdowns he was able to take advantage of. You good folks take care & I wish all of you the best. Take care & I’m sorry for posting again when I said I wouldn’t but I wanted you folks to hear something about him others wouldn’t bring up & see or say. Thanks again!

  8. Cindy says:

    Thanks Jason for your post, you can only hope that he will stay the same, he kind of led a sheltered life before now.


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