I’m starting to wonder how many athletes out there have graced the cover of Sports Illustrated more times than Tim Tebow? Michael Jordan — probably. Muhammad Ali — ya. Then who? Tebow is only 24 years old and he’s been on the cover of SI like a dozen times. If you know the exact number, please post a comment and let me know. It’s gotta be close to 12.
This week, SI has put Timmy on their cover, with a featured story by Jim Trotter.
Tebow has been on Sports Illustrated covers alone 7 times. With all of the magazines out there, who knows how many times he’s been on a magazine cover overall…
Here again. I looked into it further, and Jordan has been on the cover 49 times! There are five names that everyone has heard of, like Jordan, Ali, Abdul-Jabar, Bryant, and Magic Johnson. Those are the top five. But Tebow has gotten on the cover 7 times in just the last 3 years. It wouldn’t surprise me if Tebow made it on that list anytime soon….
Sam is right, according to this link this newest cover will be Tebow’s 8th. 6 while in college and 2 in the NFL.
I notice SI is having a contest where readers pick the best cover/sports moment of 2011. Unfortunately it looks like a Tebow cover is not one of the options!