Comments on: Tim Tebow Plays at Wide Receiver Tim Tebow Denver Broncos - Tim Tebow Fans Tue, 22 Nov 2011 13:35:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: tisa tisa Wed, 21 Sep 2011 00:37:06 +0000 I also agree with David 's statement. I think this team is going to implode on itself. Hope Timmy will be far away when it happens. Just wishful thinking,I know, but, the Jag's QB is doing so poorly, wish they'd rethink TT. Would love to have him playing where we could go see him and get the games on TV. I also agree with David ‘s statement. I think this team is going to implode on itself. Hope Timmy will be far away when it happens. Just wishful thinking,I know, but, the Jag’s QB is doing so poorly, wish they’d rethink TT. Would love to have him playing where we could go see him and get the games on TV.

By: Brooke Brooke Tue, 20 Sep 2011 21:20:18 +0000 @David Fostor: Great comment! I especially like, & agree w/, 'As for the Broncos, there’s no evidence yet that John Elway will turn into a decent NFL executive.' and 'The addition of Elway, and benching of Tebow, might indicate that the Broncos are more interested in reliving the past then looking toward the future.'. So true & well said. @David Fostor: Great comment! I especially like, & agree w/, ‘As for the Broncos, there’s no evidence yet that John Elway will turn into a decent NFL executive.’ and ‘The addition of Elway, and benching of Tebow, might indicate that the Broncos are more interested in reliving the past then looking toward the future.’. So true & well said.

By: David Fostor David Fostor Tue, 20 Sep 2011 19:22:21 +0000 Just saw the OTL thing about Tebow online. Apparently, a third string comic, playing to crowd of 8 people, is relevant because he hates Tim Tebow. Another low for ESPN. As for the Broncos, there's no evidence yet that John Elway will turn into a decent NFL executive. Detroit had high expectations for Matt Millen years ago and we all know how well that worked out. The addition of Elway, and benching of Tebow, might indicate that the Broncos are more interested in reliving the past then looking toward the future. Just saw the OTL thing about Tebow online. Apparently, a third string comic, playing to crowd of 8 people, is relevant because he hates Tim Tebow. Another low for ESPN. As for the Broncos, there’s no evidence yet that John Elway will turn into a decent NFL executive. Detroit had high expectations for Matt Millen years ago and we all know how well that worked out. The addition of Elway, and benching of Tebow, might indicate that the Broncos are more interested in reliving the past then looking toward the future.

By: ck ck Tue, 20 Sep 2011 16:21:02 +0000 Just shows what "AN ASTOUNDING/VERSATILE ATHLETE" he is going into any game which makes for more than just a "DUAL THREAT!!!" AND GUESS WHAT...THEY WON!!!!!!! IT CERTAINLY BROUGHT THE FANS TO THEIR FEET SHOUTING FOR TEBOW AND HOW ABOUT THAT PLAN TO PURCHASE BILLBOARDS TOO!!!! DEFINITELY WOULD CONTRIBUTE TO THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO TEBOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just shows what “AN ASTOUNDING/VERSATILE ATHLETE” he is going into any game which makes for more than just a “DUAL THREAT!!!” AND GUESS WHAT…THEY WON!!!!!!! IT CERTAINLY BROUGHT THE FANS TO THEIR FEET SHOUTING FOR TEBOW AND HOW ABOUT THAT PLAN TO PURCHASE BILLBOARDS TOO!!!! DEFINITELY WOULD CONTRIBUTE TO THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GO TEBOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By: Mitchell Mitchell Tue, 20 Sep 2011 12:49:27 +0000 It wasn't a gimmick- but by sheer necessity. Fox's declaration that TT wouldn't be used at WR but at QB..should've been followed by..."just not for me!" Let him move onto a different team. I'm a lifelong Broncos fan, Denver native- but this is awful. This team is a joke; good riddance, Donkeys! It wasn’t a gimmick- but by sheer necessity. Fox’s declaration that TT wouldn’t be used at WR but at QB..should’ve been followed by…”just not for me!” Let him move onto a different team. I’m a lifelong Broncos fan, Denver native- but this is awful. This team is a joke; good riddance, Donkeys!

By: jason jason Tue, 20 Sep 2011 03:10:52 +0000 I think its worse for tebow because of this, if they had even .00001% of a plan to have tebow be the QB in denver oneday they wouldn't do this because of just the fact that while at WR the defense can tee off on him which most ever defense would if you put what's to be the brand new QB on the field at something besides QB. Its the same reason why QBs get told not to get very involved on tackle'n if its a turn over or even to block much if ever but on extremely rare times, maybe 3 times in a year. I don't think they're giving tebow any reps at all in practise. If I were him & really wanted to play QB i'd ask to be traded or released from contract if he has anything put in to allow for that. Even with it due to injury it'd be like put'n a linebacker in at WR for more than something like goal line. I know tebow can't be thrilled about that. He needs another team & really its gonna be a long term project just for the broncos to get solid again let alone good again. He needs a new team cause even with tebow at QB its not gonna be good, key injuries are no one to run & no one to catch. Who knows, but he needs another team. I think its worse for tebow because of this, if they had even .00001% of a plan to have tebow be the QB in denver oneday they wouldn’t do this because of just the fact that while at WR the defense can tee off on him which most ever defense would if you put what’s to be the brand new QB on the field at something besides QB. Its the same reason why QBs get told not to get very involved on tackle’n if its a turn over or even to block much if ever but on extremely rare times, maybe 3 times in a year.
I don’t think they’re giving tebow any reps at all in practise. If I were him & really wanted to play QB i’d ask to be traded or released from contract if he has anything put in to allow for that. Even with it due to injury it’d be like put’n a linebacker in at WR for more than something like goal line. I know tebow can’t be thrilled about that.
He needs another team & really its gonna be a long term project just for the broncos to get solid again let alone good again.
He needs a new team cause even with tebow at QB its not gonna be good, key injuries are no one to run & no one to catch. Who knows, but he needs another team.

By: Marc C. Marc C. Tue, 20 Sep 2011 00:09:10 +0000 Yes, GREAT WAY to utilize your 1st Rd QB pick. Likely one of the, or THE worst personnel decisions of the Season. I swear Denver is my team 'til I die but this franchise is making me SICK. They squeaked by Cincy in a game they handed them on a platter. Going nowhere fast with Orton. So sick of the losing and mediocrity... GIVE US TEBOW. Yes, GREAT WAY to utilize your 1st Rd QB pick. Likely one of the, or THE worst personnel decisions of the Season. I swear Denver is my team ’til I die but this franchise is making me SICK. They squeaked by Cincy in a game they handed them on a platter. Going nowhere fast with Orton. So sick of the losing and mediocrity…


By: Tisa Tisa Mon, 19 Sep 2011 17:45:00 +0000 Coach Fox said in his interview that this was not something that had even been practiced. They just did it and thought Tim would be okay. If he is getting bored that says volumes about how much they are doing to help him progress. Coach Fox said in his interview that this was not something that had even been practiced. They just did it and thought Tim would be okay. If he is getting bored that says volumes about how much they are doing to help him progress.

By: Brooke Brooke Mon, 19 Sep 2011 15:32:37 +0000 @Ron: I'm VERY glad Tim wasn't thrown to. If Orton had thrown to Tim, that would tell me that the Broncos management don't even care if he gets injured (or actually WANT him to get injured). I think that's why Orton called time out on 2 different occasions when he saw Tim lining up at WR. He probably wanted to ask if he was supposed to throw to him if other players were covered. By not being thrown to, Tim wasn't a target for tackling. All Tim had to do was block defenders, and was less likely to get injured by doing that. I think it's a stupid offensive strategy, but it was an emergency. On another thread, I said that I thought they put Tim in at WR, instead of another player, to appease the fans. That might have been true, but this apparently all got started b/c Tebow was getting bored during practice!:!/mortreport/status/115564265687101440 @Ron: I’m VERY glad Tim wasn’t thrown to. If Orton had thrown to Tim, that would tell me that the Broncos management don’t even care if he gets injured (or actually WANT him to get injured). I think that’s why Orton called time out on 2 different occasions when he saw Tim lining up at WR. He probably wanted to ask if he was supposed to throw to him if other players were covered. By not being thrown to, Tim wasn’t a target for tackling. All Tim had to do was block defenders, and was less likely to get injured by doing that. I think it’s a stupid offensive strategy, but it was an emergency.

On another thread, I said that I thought they put Tim in at WR, instead of another player, to appease the fans. That might have been true, but this apparently all got started b/c Tebow was getting bored during practice!:!/mortreport/status/115564265687101440

By: Ron Friedmann Ron Friedmann Mon, 19 Sep 2011 13:52:09 +0000 Kyle Orton will never throw to Tim, even if he was wide open in the end zone. How did Tim throw for 88 touchdowns and break Hershal Walkers SEC record scoring 55 rushing TDs without skills??? Kyle Orton will never throw to Tim, even if he was wide open in the end zone. How did Tim throw for 88 touchdowns and break Hershal Walkers SEC record scoring 55 rushing TDs without skills???
