Tebow Speaking Appearance

We received a tip that yesterday in Jacksonville, Florida, Tim Tebow stopped by a company to give a motivational/inspirational speech. I don’t want to give out the company’s name because it was a private event, but there were several hundred people on site. A lot of people talked about it on Facebook and stuff so you may know where he was. Tim spoke for about 15-20 minutes and then answered a few questions. We then gathered for a photo opportunity.

Tim spoke about passion and how it’s important to truly love what you’re doing with your life… or else you’re in the wrong business. He said after football, his number one passion is his foundation. They support 600 orphans across the globe and are building a hospital in the Philippines. Tim also told the store of his decision to play for the University of Florida. It came down to the last minute – as Tim was walking across the stage for his interview with ESPN he still did not know whether to go to Alabama or Florida. It came down to Tim recognizing the passion Urban Meyer had for the game of football, and that was the type of coach he wanted to play for.

Here’s a picture of Tim speaking at the event.

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4 Responses to “Tebow Speaking Appearance”

  1. A says:

    He was at the Orlando Predators (AFL) opening night, it was “Faith and Family” night. For a guy with so many questions still surrounding his ability to play QB in the NFL, he sure is making a lot of public speaking appearances. I understand it’s the offseason and there’s a lockout, but I’ve read that both Mark Sanchez and Colt McCoy have invited team mates to California and Texas, respectively to work out. I know he’s a hard worker and says he’s determined to get better, but he sure seems to be making quite a few seemingly unnecessary public appearances for a guy who isn’t a lock to keep the starting opportunity he was given during the last 3 weeks of last season or even stay on his current team, for that matter. If I was the Broncos’ front office, I’d be taking note of those kinds of things.

  2. Tisa says:

    @A, Tebow is working out- all the time. There is a recent article in the Denver Post about his efforts to prepare for the coming season. If you think he’s not, you don’t know Tebow! There are no articles about Kyle Orton’s efforts to improve, in fact I read one article that said no one has seen him anywhere. Tim’s work ethic is rediculous. He says he has to feel that he has worked harder than anyone else that day or he’s not happy with himself. However, his first committment is to his faith. These appearances have to do with that. Give the kid a break- I don’t know how he does what he does but seems to keep it all in perspective. He’s an amazing young man- one my grandsons look up to.

  3. A says:

    You say I “don’t know Tebow”? I had class with the guy a few times, I know him better than most every one who posts on this site… That being said, the NFL is a business and if I were an owner, I’d be taking notice that my what? $33 million isn’t his #1 priority. You’d better believe me that if I had that many questions about me and the possibility that I’ll find myself on the trading block shortly after a new CBA is agreed upon, my job would be my #1 priority. I wouldn’t be going on book tours, making a bunch of speaking appearances or making TV commercials. I’d have a chip on my shoulder and work. Did you see ESPN’s special on Tom Brady last week? The guy went #6 and he was determined to prove everyone wrong. He worked his butt off, no speaking engagements, no books, etc got the start when Bledsoe went down and hasn’t looked back since. Tebow had a chance to start and his team isn’t sold on him being their starter for this season, let alone their starter in 2-3 seasons. Being the best on a college field isn’t the same as being the best on an NFL field. I like the guy I hope he succeeds, but it’s looking less and less that it’ll be in Denver for a multitude of reasons.

  4. tisa says:

    Wow, A. I still don’t think you are paying attention to what Tebow is doing- unless you think he is lying and a fraud. You can’t be on a field or in a gym 24/7 and with the lockout players have to do what they can, where they can. I do agree with you that it is looking less and less likely that Tebow will succeed in Denver, for a multitude of reasons, but not because he is not working at achieving the starting position. For one thing, I think having Elway as VP is going to cause friction with the coaches and the GM. I think the Broncos are a mess, period, and not a good place for a young QB to develop. I’d just as soon see Tebow in more capable hands. But, we’ll see. It would not make my family sad to see him traded closer to home so we could see him play on TV.


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