Tim Tebow Cartoon

Sam from SAW Toons sent me an e-mail the other day with a link to a new cartoon he put together about Tim Tebow. Will Bronco fans get what they want for Christmas? Check it out.

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3 Responses to “Tim Tebow Cartoon”

  1. Tisa says:

    Tebow fans may see Timmy play this weekend. From what I have been reading, the Broncos were doing nothing to get Timmy on the field until now. Pray he will have a real honest to goodness Tebow Day, like the ones we Gator fans have seen on many occasions. I am afraid the media will determine in one outing whether or not Tebow is an NFL level QB and crucify him if he makes the mistakes a rookie will make. Go Timmy, the Gator Nation is behind you all the way!!!

  2. Susan says:

    I can’t wait to see Tim play; it is about time. He will be awesome! Sine it will be his first real outing, we can’t expect perfection, but I bet it’ll be pretty darn close. We are with you, Tim. Show ‘em what you can do.

  3. Jeanne says:

    Tim – Congrats to you!!! on your first game as a Bronco. All I have to say is “What an incrediable pass that really was”… Looking foward to week 16. We need you back in New York… GO TIM!!!!

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