Tebow Takes A Loss in First Start

Tim Tebow took a loss in his first career start for the Denver Broncos yesterday – the Oakland Raiders beat Denver 39-23. I’ll be upfront and say that I did not get a chance to see the game, we had the Steelers vs. Jets… so I’m only going off the highlights I’ve seen and what I’ve read online.

Tim came out in the first quarter and lead the Broncos to two quick scores – a 40 yard touchdown run and a 33 yard touchdown pass to Brandon Lloyd. He finished the game 8/16 for 138 yards, 1 touchdown and no interceptions plus he carried the ball 8 times for 78 yards and 1 touchdown. It was a solid outing for the rookie. Obviously a win would have been nice, but I think he showed enough promise to keep him as the starter for the rest of the year. I read some articles that said he threw some wobbly passes – maybe a reader who watched the game can comment?

Here are a couple quotes from after the game:

“You’re playing against the biggest, strongest, fastest, but at the end of the day it’s still playing football and so it wasn’t extremely different,” Tebow said.

“He did what we expected of him,” Lloyd said. “He kept his poise, he kept his composure, even when it was tough out there. He didn’t have any of those situations where he called the wrong play. I was impressed.”

If you play fantasy football that equates to about 24 points depending on your league. I actually started him in one of my leagues just for the heck of it since I was playing in a loser’s bracket game anyway. I also own Tim in my other league (keeper league) so I could potentially keep him for next year.

Here are some highlight videos from the game:

What did you think of Tim’s first start? How did he look throwing the ball, how was his confidence, how did the players react to him?

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9 Responses to “Tebow Takes A Loss in First Start”

  1. SB says:

    Whoever said Tebow was throwing wobbly passes was incorrect. His passes looked really good. He only had two bad throws that I can remember – one thrown over the head of BL and out of bounds in the endzone and another thrown over the head of the receiver on a short screen pass in the 4th quarter. Also, in the 2nd quarter, Tebow had a PERFECT pass thrown to a receiver in the endzone that was dropped. It hit him right in the gut and fell through his hands. That play could have mad all the difference in the game as they would have been ahead up to the 4th quarter if that pass had not been dropped.

  2. Sam says:

    I’m absolutely ticked off that I didn’t get to see Sunday’s game. This is the moment that millions of tebow fans had been waiting for and I am one of them. I followed he story on Saturday night and I was extremely ecstatic when I found I that he would be starting. One of he things that I really don get is why both CBS and fox broadcasted the jets steelers game. There would have been plenty of people watching he broncos game as well. Turning to the actual game, Tebow did much better than alot of people thought that he was going to do. I looked it up online after the game and he actually finished with a 100.5 pass rating. That’s pretty good for his first official NFL start. Even though I missed the game, I didn’t doubt that tebow was going to have a great game. Plus, althouh I didn’t get to watch the game on tv, I followed it on my dads iPhone so atleast I could follow his stats someway. All in all, he had a great game and even though some people thought he would do better, as a tebow fan, I will always remember this as a great milestone in his career.

  3. Chris Ford says:

    Tebow played great. The coach screwed this one up by not letting him pass more, especially during the last posession when they were backed up against their end zone and ended up giving up a safety. Tebow was “on the money” with most of his passes and looked great. Had the coach let him throw more, they might have won this one.

  4. Brooke says:

    “What did you think of Tim’s first start? How did he look throwing the ball, how was his confidence, how did the players react to him?”

    I thought this was a very good start. Yes, he still needs work, but I also agree that he should have been allowed to throw the ball more (esp on that series that led to the safety). It was just like Addazio’s ridiculous play-calling last year. Way too dependent on hand-offs & Tebow’s legs.

    I thought Tim seemed a little hyper on the first series, which is one reason they were just 3 & out. But then he calmed down & was much better.

    As for the players’ reactions to him, that was really great. There was a moment-I think it was in the first half-when there was almost a fight between the teams. It seemed to be b/c the Raiders were doing, or saying, something to Tebow, who was lying on the ground after being tackled. Some Broncos players even started coming over from the sidelines. Also, there was a good shot of Tim & Lloyd celebrating after a play. Any doubts BL had about Tim seemed to be gone.

    For anyone who didn’t see the game, there’s a site where it will probably be available for a free download later this week. If anyone wants to know about that, just ask.

  5. tisa says:

    I thought Tim did a great job for his first start. I agree that he looked at ease and in charge after the first series. I hope they will unleash him and let him go next week.

  6. Vera says:

    We want to thank the person who posted the web site http://www.firstrow.net where we watched the Bronco’s game on a FULL SCREEN picture. It was very exciting to see Tim as QB again and he did a super job. Click on Replays and Highlights near the top and play a video of some 9 plays with Tim and some are shown the second time in slow motion. Even the announcers got excited!! Great job Tim on that 40 yard TB run into the end zone. We hope to see you on the field again next Sun. If you are new to firstrow.net I’d suggest that you find a sports event to watch before Sun. so you understand how the site works before the Broncos next game. Turn your speakers on!

  7. Brooke says:

    You’re welcome, Vera. And I agree that the announcers did seem excited. After an especially impressive throw, one of them even pointed out that Tim’s critics have claimed he didn’t have an NFL arm, but that that throw certainly looked like he did.

    Also, the Denver Post is reporting that Tim will likely start the next 2 games:


  8. Kristy says:

    Despite living in northern California we didn’t get to see the game because it was blacked out. Urgh! Luckily we have NFL Red Zone so we got to see SOME parts of the game. Thanks for the link Vera! Now maybe we can watch his 2nd start which was just announced. Woot!

  9. RkyMtnHi says:

    I was actually visiting family in Gainesville during the game and was bummed it wasn’t airing on the east coast. I hate to admit it, but I found a website that aired the game live and our whole family was able to enjoy watching Tebow do his thing. As a Tebow fan, it was awesome to see him running for a touchdown and throwing with a steady hand (imagine that!). As a Broncos fan, it was great to see them keeping up with the Raiders for 3 quarters. I mean, the Broncos were a demoralized team at an away game against a team that already kicked our butt at home. It was a rookies first start with an interim head coach. Even though it was a loss, I thought it was a great new beginning.

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