Tim Tebow Fan at Everbank Field

At Tebow Zone we are always asking for fan pictures, stories, tips, etc. It adds a new dimension to this blog. After the Broncos vs. Jaguars game I asked our readers to submit any pictures they had from the game. Yesterday, I received an email from Lisa & Mary Katherine with several photos of themselves at Everbank Field rooting on Tim Tebow. Judging by the empty stadium in the first picture it looks like they got to the game pretty early.

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5 Responses to “Tim Tebow Fan at Everbank Field”

  1. Brooke says:

    Thanks for sharing these great pics!

  2. Vera says:

    I love the pictures. Tim looks as handsome as ever. Thanks for sharing.

    Go Broncos!!


    great pictures!!!!!!!thanks for sharing!!!God bless!!!Go broncos!!!

  4. Kate says:

    Thanks, Lisa & Mary Katherine, for sharing these with all of us!! The pictures are so neat! Hope you get to some more games!! GBX2

  5. theresa says:

    great photos thanks for sharing

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