How The Jump Pass Made Maria a Tebow Fan

The next “How I became a fan of Tim Tebow” story we want to share with you comes from Maria E., a woman who was never a sports fan until she saw one of Tim Tebow’s most famous plays.

I had never been a sports fan, much less a football fan; I was actually grateful that my husband was not either. Out of our four children, three attended the University of Florida and they were, of course, Gator fans. One day, four years ago, I was sitting in the living room with my oldest daughter who was watching the Gators play; all of a sudden I saw Tim Tebow doing the jump pass. I was impressed! After that I started watching with her and driving her crazy with questions like: What inning is this? Why do they run like that? And little by little I became a college football fan, really a Tim Tebow fan. But what made a follower was when I started watching football with a Bible next to me. That did it! He inspired me!

My husband in the meantime was getting extremely bored on Saturdays, he lost his wife to football. I told him not to worry it was only for four years, after that I was done. Well, I guess I lied, I already have my Bronco’s gear and my tickets to the first game; after all I am a TIM TEBOW fan.

The jump pass was one of Tim’s signature moves in college – other than stiff arming linebackers. Here’s Tim throwing a jump pass in the National Championship game against Oklahoma.

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