Buy tickets to see a third string QB sit on the bench?
]]>“So im at a bank trying to cash a check, and the bank teller starts up some convo about how Tebow will save the jaguars. And the hole time, when i asked him what does tebow bring to the game that the jaguars dont already have. yes i can understand the intangibles such as leadership etc. but as a football player, what does he bring that will take the jags to the next level??? he couldnt tell me. so let me drop a quick top 5 for all u fans. this is my top 5 things you should know before you assume Tim Tebow will the tebow jesus in teal town.
5. He cant throw. PERIOD.
4. He cant read any coverage other than probably cover 2 or man cov. PERIOD (the only cov. in college lol)
2. He doesnt know how to take a snap from center, nor is he even comfortable enough to.
1. HE CANT THROW. and thats really something you either have or not, never seen a qb who couldnt ever throw, just all of a sudden beable to throw just because hes now in the NFL.
now if u want to say, tebow will save the Jags TICKET sales… sure, he may beable to help them alot, until people realize this aint gator country no more lol. by the way…. GO BUY SEASON TICKETS!!!!!!!!! Ill be Damned if i have to come out for pregame warmups to a COMPLETELY EMPTY STADIUM ANYMORE!!!!!!! ”
There were 2 opinions expressed about Tebow this week that are worth paying attention to & neither of those is Uche’s. Those 2 opinions are Peyton Manning (pro-Tebow) & Joe Theisman (anti-Tebow). And even their opinions won’t effect what the Jags front office decides to do. Uche’s opinion doesn’t matter at all.