Is Tim Tebow Dating Janell Wheeler?

Over the past 24-48 hours, we have been swamped with visitors looking for information on Tim Tebow and his alleged girlfriend Janell Wheeler. We at Tebow Zone cannot confirm nor deny that Tim is dating Janell Wheeler, but there are several pictures of the two of them together, including one on Janell Wheeler’s Myspace page. The pictures however are from over a year ago… you can tell by the cast on Tim’s arm.

This story gained traction because the NY Post wrote a piece on them claiming she is his “gal pal”. Her name came up because she is one of the Top 24 finalists on American Idol. Janell is a very good country singer and is of very strong faith just like Tim. I don’t know where the NY Post got their info that she is his girlfriend … maybe they just saw a picture of them together and came up with their conclusion. Here’s a video of Janell on American Idol.

We had a comment posted on the original Janell Wheeler – Tim Tebow Girlfriend post almost a year ago from Taylor who claimed he knows both Janell and Tim.

I know both of them. She hosted a Gainesville TV show and had the same group of friends as Tim. Shes not a random, they were actually friends. Just friends though, so don’t be mean. She is a sweet girl.

So I’m not exactly sure what is going on. It’s possible that when the pictures were taken that Janell and Tim were just friends and now over the course of a year or two they’ve developed a relationship. Who knows? I don’t have any confirmation if she is in fact Tim’s girlfriend. What we do know is they are at least close friends, share a common faith and have been photographed together. If you know anything more, please post a comment to help clear things up.

Here are the only two know photos of them together.

jtim tebow girlfriend

janell wheeler tim tebow

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24 Responses to “Is Tim Tebow Dating Janell Wheeler?”

  1. [...] the original: Is Tim Tebow Dating Janell Wheeler? | Tim Tebow Zone Posted in Friends and Datings | Tags: and-now, being-liars, course, interests-usually, [...]

  2. Caroline says:

    I don’t think he’s dating anyone, but who knows? If I was him, I wouldn’t want to get tangled up in a relationship at the peak of my career, and same with Jannell. She just got on to American Idol for goodness sake! People with lives as busy as the two of them, I don’t think they would have time for a relationship. But once again, who knows? I think if he was dating someone, he would probably say so if someone asked. I mean, hey, he did tell the media/world that he’s a virgin! Well either way, I still love Timmy! Good luck in the Senior Bowl, Tim! I wish I could be there!

  3. Emily says:

    I think this is old news from all I’ve read and heard recently. He said he didn’t have a girlfriend back in December, and that he needed to focus on football at this point. I agree with Caroline, when he does have a girlfriend, he’ll say so.

  4. Brooke says:

    The NY Post article actually claims that she’s his former gf. That wouldn’t surprise me. He doesn’t seem to have a gf now-his Mom said last month that he didn’t have a gf-but if you look at the pic of TT & JW w/his arm around her, notice where Tebow’s thumb is? Would a guy like Tim put his thumb there w/someone he didn’t know all that well?
    Here’s the article link:

    What I’d like to know is who was that brunette female that gave Tim the lingering hug near the end of the Sugar Bowl & looked like she was hoping for a kiss? She seems to have only been a friend, too…but she looked like she wanted to be more than friends, LOL.

  5. Jamie says:

    Janell was never Tim Tebow’s girlfriend. They went on maybe one date years ago and have 2 pictures together because they had the same group of friends in college. In fact, Janell currently has a boyfriend who is NOT tim tebow. His name is Craig and they have been together for a while. Interesting how her fan page only shows pictures of her with “famous people” and not her actual friends and boyfriend. hmmm. I hope Simon asks her about Tim Tebow, that would make for good TV!

  6. Brooke says:

    Thanks for the info, Jamie.

    Also, I guess it’s predictable that the only ones to comment on this post so far are all females. LOL…

  7. jouana jordan says:

    Tim is not dating Janet. My good friend is one of Tims friend. Tim is dating a girl by the name of Kalyn who is an Abercrombie Model….unfortunately she also cheats on him due to his “promise” of saving himself. There was recent speculation of them possibly getting married during the summer time…which my friend confirmed this. I am also going by his word….which in turn could be some horrible lie/trick.

  8. Liz says:

    I sure hope Tim isnt dating anyone! He needs to be focused 100% on football. He will meet a great girl one day in the future. He has so much to offer! I love you tebs, and good luck this wknd!!

  9. Jennifer says:

    I am friends with Janell. I confirm what Jamie says.

  10. Brooke says:

    In case anyone doesn’t know, the NFL Channel is supposed to show the practices for the Senior Bowl this week, starting 1/25 afternoon. They’re also going to have a show on each night called ‘Path to the Draft’ that includes recaps of the SB practices. Here’s the network schedule:

  11. Phil says:

    I am good friends with Timmy and Janell and him actually came to my place and watched a movie on one of their supposed “dates”. Jamie is on the money. They never were boyfriend/girlfriend, went out a couple of times(not sure you would even call it a date, as I said we watched a terrible movie in a group) and are just friends. However, I recall Janell giving him a CD of her music back then and thought she had talent even before the AI factor. I hope she does well.

  12. Kathryn Boyer says:

    It is his business who he dates. You all MUST have something better to do than to speculate about who he is dating…

  13. I think he didn’t serious about this relationship, Just keep relation to learn something in this time of life, But Janet is so lovely, everything can happen in the future.

  14. Lauren says:

    OMG! this cant be true!!!
    i personally dont think he dating anyone cause he has a career ahead of him!
    and he will soon marry me.

  15. Brooke says:

    Thanks for the info, CapitalFL. I thought it might be her, but I’ve only seen her once before, so I wasn’t sure. I didn’t think she was his gf, I just thought she looked like she’d like to be his gf. But I could be wrong about that. Thanks again.

  16. [...] she could sing. And that’s exactly what happened. Oh, and it probably didn’t hurt that Wheeler has been linked to Florida football star Tim Tebow… up was Tyler Grady, the dude who looks like he stepped off a tour bus in 1975, and [...]

  17. cbitty says:

    tebow is dating kelsi reich from the dallas cowboys cheerleaders. go to her twitter and you’ll see her hinting about it.

    you heard it here first!

  18. laura says:

    if they are dating 1)i wouldn’t mind looking like her or close enough 2)she seems to be ok.. so, whomever it is hopefully things will work out for them, if it is tebow, awesome for him.. better than the boob job he’s seen in a photo with..

  19. cbitty says:

    My bad…my friend told me the wrong Florida football player. kelsi is dating wr david nelson. don’t ask how she could confuse tim tebow with david nelson.

    i looked myself…he’s got pics of them on his facebook!

    so nelson was the guy she was talkin’ about!

  20. Tim Tebow says:


  21. mary says:

    i dont believe tim is dating anyone. i mean com’on he didnt bring anyone to the espys. he was solo then and i think he’s solo now. i think i read somewhere that he get asked alot to get pictures taken with female fans.

  22. Very interesting blog, really enjoyed reading it! A blog to bookmark! Good job!

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