Comments on: Tim Tebow – SEC Championship Game Tim Tebow, Florida Gator Football Fri, 11 Dec 2009 03:58:43 -0500 hourly 1 By: John John Mon, 07 Dec 2009 04:48:24 +0000 Major Alabama fan here, but I can appreciate how Tebow plays. He messed up a few times but it was not his fault that the Gators lost. The defense better pick up the ball. No pun intended. Major Alabama fan here, but I can appreciate how Tebow plays. He messed up a few times but it was not his fault that the Gators lost. The defense better pick up the ball. No pun intended.

By: timothy timothy Sun, 06 Dec 2009 23:42:41 +0000 hey Tim Tebow im soooo sorry that u lost the game but im a big gators fan but don't cry u made me fill bad for u hey Tim Tebow im soooo sorry that u lost the game but im a big gators fan but don’t cry u made me fill bad for u

By: Steve Martin Steve Martin Sun, 06 Dec 2009 01:54:43 +0000 Freakin' brilliant. Well written and spelled correctly unlike so many of the contributions I've read here. Freakin’ brilliant. Well written and spelled correctly unlike so many of the contributions I’ve read here.

By: Steve Martin Steve Martin Sun, 06 Dec 2009 01:52:12 +0000 I just want to say a word, or maybe several words of thanks to Tim Tebow for the joy he has provided me as a football fan and human for the past three years. His idiotic and stereotypical fundamentalist wearing of scriptural references under his eyes provided me with alternating bouts of hysteria and disgust. His robotic speeches and responses to questions led me to marvel at the skill of his handlers in programming someone so thoroughly. Yes, Tebow, over the years, i grew sick at the sight of you, those eye patches, the suggestion that you and that amazingly voluptuous woman you date never had sex, wearing religion on your sleeve as if it somehow elevated you to a goodness none of the rest of us (meaning non-believers) could possess. Yes, Tebow, you were disgusting. I'll give you tough. You took some shots. But then you cried. You cried when you should have manned up to having your butt beat. Well, 'bow, the Heisman just flew away. I bet you the NFL just took a step back. Too bad you weren't bright enough to earn some sort of post grad (you are graduating on time aren't you?) scholarship like my friend Myron Rolle because running missions in Africa may be wonderful but it won't keep that babe in the jewels all Christians expect at Christmas. Sayonara, not sorry to see ya go. I just want to say a word, or maybe several words of thanks to Tim Tebow for the joy he has provided me as a football fan and human for the past three years. His idiotic and stereotypical fundamentalist wearing of scriptural references under his eyes provided me with alternating bouts of hysteria and disgust. His robotic speeches and responses to questions led me to marvel at the skill of his handlers in programming someone so thoroughly. Yes, Tebow, over the years, i grew sick at the sight of you, those eye patches, the suggestion that you and that amazingly voluptuous woman you date never had sex, wearing religion on your sleeve as if it somehow elevated you to a goodness none of the rest of us (meaning non-believers) could possess. Yes, Tebow, you were disgusting. I’ll give you tough. You took some shots. But then you cried. You cried when you should have manned up to having your butt beat. Well, ‘bow, the Heisman just flew away. I bet you the NFL just took a step back. Too bad you weren’t bright enough to earn some sort of post grad (you are graduating on time aren’t you?) scholarship like my friend Myron Rolle because running missions in Africa may be wonderful but it won’t keep that babe in the jewels all Christians expect at Christmas. Sayonara, not sorry to see ya go.
