Tim Tebow’s Comments on Spikes
I was going to let this issue go because it’s being talked about to death. We all know by now that Brand Spikes tried to eye gauge a Georgia player last weekend. It apparently was a dirty game on both sides of the ball, it just so happens that Spikes was caught on film. It’s rumored that Spikes acted in retaliation to someone trying to eye gauge Tim Tebow. As fans, we may never know what really happened.
Earlier this week, Tim spoke out in defense of Brandon Spikes. “I don’t think that we did anything in that game that they didn’t do,” Tebow said Monday. “If you go back and look at it and study it, you can see it in the film, too. It was an intense game, both teams were very passionate about it.”
Now I don’t see anything wrong in Tim’s comments, but these reason I am posting this is because I received an email from Rachel (name switched for privacy reasons) that seems a little out of line. I’ll let you be the judge.
I could not believe Tebow’s comment about the incident with Spikes. We are a small community, but one of our older members at church requested prayer for Tebow when he was injured. The member’s reasoning was that Tebow was hurt and was a good Christian man. After hearing Tebow’s comment about Spikes, I am appalled that a “Christian” would say this. Intentionally trying to blind someone is inhuman. So much for your Christian witness anymore Tebow.
Please post a comment and let me know what you think.
What tebow had to say about his team mate was a right choice. He had no reason to say anything about spikes. It’s not like tim has done anything like that at all in his life! He didn’t say what spikes did was right or wrong. And GUESS WHAT!? tim tebow is human too! We all fall short of the glory of GOD! Tebow is not gonna be a PERFECT Christian. EVER! fans have to understand that. and just to make you think about it what so called sins have you commited this week? think about it. If your life was being moniter 24/7 people would find a dark side of you. And you people have the guts to say such a thing about tebvow? God is the only judge. So why pick one Little commet from tebow and make him into a devils child. Tebow didin’t do anything wrong or say anything either!
Wow. Judgmental letter much?
That being said, I do believe that Tim could have chosen his words better. As a Christian, our attitude cannot always be one a retribution. Just because someone did it to you does not justify for you to do it to them as well. I am not saying that Tim did anything wrong in the game because he didn’t, but his comment regarding Spikes made it sound like he was fine with the incident. What Spikes did was dirty. Yes, football is a dirty sport and both teams are at fault, but it doesn’t mean we should give him a pass for this.
ok, i see what your saying. But what Tebow said was some what questionable. And by all means i don’t want to make this into a nasty subject. So please let me know if i come off as some what nasty. I love talking about issues and this is a good one. I just want to share my oppinion on the matter. And again let me know if I come off a little judgmental. It’s just that I have a huge respect for Tebow On the feild and most of all is his faith he has with Christ. And he putts Jesus’s name before him and it shows. I don’t think Tebow was trying to say it was ok for Spike to do what he did because the other team was doing nasty things back. He was just stating the fact that both teams were at fualt. Not just spike. I think ( my opinion ) Tebow didn’t have to say that spike needed slap on the hand in a interview that everyone will hear at some point. He made a smart choice to leave it up to the coaching staff to have the say in it. He was just respecting a personal matter of a team mate. But please give me your side. I would like to see what other people see through this and why it’s a huge deal. Please share I’ll respect everyone’s commets and such.
Timmy didn’t say anything wrong. He was just defending a friend and his team. Anybody that finds something wrong with what he said is just trying to find something to complain about. What he said does not change the fact that he played a good game against GA and that he puts God first.
Dave- I completely understand what you’re saying and it did not come off as judgmental at all.
I also agree that Tim made the right choice by not commenting negatively about a fellow teammate. I just wish he would have worded things a bit differently since what he said could be taken several ways. Regardless, this does not change my opinion of him at all because he is still an amazing person who tries to live His life to the glory of God.
Sorry in advance for the long comment…
On the Nick Williams post, I commented that I was disappointed w/Tebow. After posting that comment, my opinion has somewhat changed. Here’s my take:
1)Meyer called Spikes’ eye-poke ‘retaliatory’. There have been rumors that Spikes did it b/c Tebow &/or Spikes had been poked in the eyes first. But I haven’t seen any sourcing for these rumors, so it might not be true. It wouldn’t surprise me if GA started the eye-poking, b/c they were playing dirty in other, more obvious, ways. I also saw a youtube vid in which Tebow might have been getting poked in the eyes by a GA player. The GA player appeared to be reaching around & putting his hand inside Tim’s helmet after the play was dead. That vid’s been removed, so I don’t know if that play took place before Spikes’ eye poke. If Spikes’ eye poke was in retaliation for GA poking UF players’ eyes, then I’m ok w/what Tebow said, although I still don’t like the wording of it. However, if GA’s alleged eye pokes didn’t take place at all or took place in retaliation for Spikes’ eye poke, then I’m back to being disappointed w/Tebow’s statement.
2) There are some who are upset that Tim didn’t say ‘turn the other cheek’ when asked about this, but I don’t have a problem w/his not saying that. That’s a pacifistic verse & football isn’t pacifistic. Biblical rules apply to life, not football. If a player were going to apply all of the Sermon on the Mount to football, they would just give their opponents the ball when they wanted it (’if someone wants your tunic, let him have your cloak as well’).
3) Even if he’d wanted to, Tim couldn’t criticize Spikes-even tactfully-b/c of how that would effect the team. There’s already been talk about a rift between the offense & the defense after the MSU game. Criticism of Spikes would have intensified that.
4) Although I might be conditionally fine w/what Tebow said, I’m not fine at all w/what Spikes did, even if GA started the eye-poking.
That’s all. Thanks for the site.
If any of his critcs had listened to his COMPLETE statement, he prefaced it with the fact that he had not yet seen the footage of the incident. Every football game is brutal, so he probably assumed it wasn’t as bad as what it was. But my main problem with that email is that it’s bad enough to be criticized by the “world” and now he’s getting it from his own sister in Christ. Everyone makes mistakes, that’s why we need Jesus. None of us is perfect and he needs our support, not our criticism.
I agree it was very unChristian. After the example, he says he tries to be — this is very unfortunate. I hope no one follows that example. They did it to us, so we do it to them, is not the way Christ lived.
Sounds like Rachel could’ve been baptized in Lemon juice… Her comment makes me very sad, why would a non-christian be attracted to christianity with judgemental remarks on a brother in Christ…