I received an email in the fan inbox from Mike, who makes comparisons of Florida Gator quarterback Tim Tebow and former San Francisco 49er quarterback Steve Young. Mike makes some valid points. I’ll let you read his email, then we can discuss.
I am first an LSU fan, then an SEC fan, so therefore a Tim Tebow fan. He is a superb individual. Oh by the way, and one hell of a winning football player.
Last night, I really noticed Tebow’s low throwing motion (ball got knocked out of his hand a couple of times), so now I see the issue for Tim to progress to a good NFL QB.
It occurs to me that I have the serious solution and who can help him.
I watched an ESPN 30/30 show about the USFL and watched a young Steve Young play QB (before he went to San Francisco in the NFL and on to win a Super Bowl). Steve Young was a mobile, left-handed QB! In January or February, as Tebow, preps for NFL Combine and Scouting analysis, he should engage Steve Young (or perhaps ESPN could make a show out it, since Steve works for ESPN) to mentor Tim on his mechanics and all the changes he needs to make to have a good, pro career. Steve Young suffered through a few concussions due to his frequent running style. I do not think there is anyone better qualified to mentor Tim Tebow to get to the next level.
I leave this in the hands of you Tebow/Gator fans to forward to Tim, if you agree and have some way to get this to Tim or his parents.
Do you think Mike makes valid points? We all know Tebow doesn’t have the most orthodox throwing motion in football… but when you get down to it, what QB is 100% perfect? Even Tiger Woods works on his golf swing every day. I’m not sure if Steve Young is willing to coach/mentor an incoming rookie. That is something only Steve Young would know. But, I do think it would be wise for Tim to get help from an NFL quarterback coach prior to the combine. I doubt he’ll ever be able to completely change his throwing motion, but minor tweaks could help him protect the ball in the pocket.
I think Steve Young has reached out already to Tebow regarding the concussion recuperation, and has praised Tebow on camera a few times. Steve Young also had a relatively rocky early pro career (it was his choice to try out the USFL first, but then with the Bucs and later the Niners), but he persevered and won his ring and his HOF induction in the end. He is a very smart guy, also realistic in his outlook on football, and would give great advice to Tim (who has said he admires Young). But it remains to be seen whether or not Young would formally mentor or train him. But I believe that he might informally advise him or lead him to the right trainers or advisers.
im a die hard Gator fan and have been for years and to top it off im a 49ers fan also and i think that tim and steve have alot in common as some of thr greatest Qbs that have ever touched a football
im a die hard Gator fan and have been for years and to top it off im a 49ers fan also and i think that tim and steve have alot in common as some of thr greatest Qbs that have ever touched a football….