Tim Tebow – Gator Charity Challenge

I just realized that I never really talked about Tim Tebow and the Gator Charity Challenge held on July 31, 2009.

An estimated 2,500 people attended the second annual strongman competition in Ben Hill Griffin Stadium in which UF players competed in a three-part event to raise money for six Shands Hospital-affiliated charities: American Cancer Society, American Heart Association, Children’s Miracle Network, March of Dimes, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and the North Florida Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure.

The challenge was canceled before the final event due to inclement weather, but the team representing the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation – featuring Tim Tebow and Brandon Spikes – came out on top.

Tim Tebow looks like the terminator in these pictures. Remember how ripped Percy Harvin was last year? Tim looks the same way!

Photos courtesy of Dennis Adair.

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5 Responses to “Tim Tebow – Gator Charity Challenge”

  1. Caroline says:

    Looks like someone’s been drinking his milk:) It’s so great that the Gators do this event for charity!!

  2. laia gore says:

    hey tim tebow!
    happy birthday!!! i love those pictures of u see ya at fan day this weekend!!!! ily!!!!!!
    -Laia <3

  3. Caroline says:


  4. Christine Givens says:

    I have no idea if this will get seen by anyone that can help me, but I am in the graduating class of 2012, and Tim Tebow is a role model of mine, not only as an athlete but as a Christian as well, and it would be the world to me and my classmates if he would speak at my graduation.

  5. Dennis Adair says:

    Thanks for the display of my photos.

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